
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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A_STARRY - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width octagonal font with square dimensions.
acceptChar(TextraField, char) - Method in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldFilter
acceptChar(TextraField, char) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldFilter.DigitsOnlyFilter
acceptChar(TextraField, char) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldFilter.LetterOnlyFilter
acceptChar(TextraField, char) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldFilter.WordOnlyFilter
act(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
act(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
act(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
act(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox.SelectBoxScrollPane
act(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
activeEffects - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
actualCrispness - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
When Font.distanceField is Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF, Font.DistanceFieldType.MSDF, or Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF_OUTLINE, this determines how much the edges of the glyphs should be aliased sharply (higher values) or anti-aliased softly (lower values).
add(long) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Adds a long glyph as processed by Font to store color and style info with the char.
addAtlas(TextureAtlas) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Adds all items in atlas to the private use area of Font.mapping, and stores their names, so they can be looked up with [+saxophone] syntax (which is often the same as the [+🎷] syntax).
addAtlas(TextureAtlas, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Adds all items in atlas to the private use area of Font.mapping, and stores their names, so they can be looked up with [+saxophone] syntax (which is often the same as the [+🎷] syntax).
addAtlas(TextureAtlas, String, String, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Adds all items in atlas to the private use area of Font.mapping, and stores their names, so they can be looked up with [+saxophone] syntax (which is often the same as the [+🎷] syntax).
addColor(String, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
Modifies the Palette by adding a color with its name.
addEmoji(Font) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the Twemoji icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addEmoji(Font, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the Twemoji icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addEmoji(Font, String, String, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the Twemoji icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addGameIcons(Font) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addGameIcons(Font, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addGameIcons(Font, String, String, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addImage(String, TextureRegion) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Makes this Font "learn" a new mapping from a char (typically an emoji in a String for character) to a TextureRegion.
addImage(String, TextureRegion, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Makes this Font "learn" a new mapping from a char (typically an emoji in a String for character) to a TextureRegion, allowing any offsets on x or y to be specified as well as the amount of horizontal space the resulting GlyphRegion should use.
addNotoEmoji(Font) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the Noto Color Emoji icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addNotoEmoji(Font, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the Noto Color Emoji icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addNotoEmoji(Font, String, String, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the Noto Color Emoji icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addOpenMoji(Font, boolean) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the OpenMoji icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addOpenMoji(Font, boolean, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the OpenMoji icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addOpenMoji(Font, boolean, String, String, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Takes a Font and adds the OpenMoji icon set to it, making the glyphs available using [+name] syntax.
addSpacingGlyph(char, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Adds a new glyph to this Font that has no visible representation (like space) but advances the cursor by a specified amount, either positive to move right or negative to move left.
adjustCellWidth(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Multiplies the width used by each glyph in a monospaced font by multiplier without changing the size of any characters.
adjustLineHeight(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Multiplies the line height by multiplier without changing the size of any characters.
ALIASES - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
Stores alternative names for colors in Palette.NAMED, like "grey" as an alias for Palette.GRAY or "gold" as an alias for Palette.saffron.
align - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
ALL - Static variable in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.DistanceFieldType
ALL - Static variable in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
ALL_BLOCK_CHARS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
ALTERNATE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for alternate mode, as a long.
ALTERNATE_MODES_MASK - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for matching alternate modes, as a long.
appendInto(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Primarily used by Layout.toString(), but can be useful if you want to append many Layouts into a StringBuilder.
appendIntoDirect(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Can be useful if you want to append many Layouts into a StringBuilder.
appendSubstringInto(StringBuilder, int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Gets a String representation of part of this Layout, made of only the char portions of the glyphs from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive).
appendText(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
appendTo(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Line
appendToKnownColors() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
Appends standard RGBA Color instances to the map in Colors, using the names in Palette.NAMES (which are either "lowercased" instead of "ALL_UPPER_CASE", or are already present in Colors).
appendUnsignedHex(StringBuilder, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Appends the 8-digit unsigned hex format of number to the given StringBuilder.
appendUnsignedHex(StringBuilder, long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Appends the 16-digit unsigned hex format of number to the given StringBuilder.
apply(long, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
Applies the effect to the given glyph.
applyChar(long, char) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Replaces the section of glyph that stores its char with the given other char.
applyColor(long, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Replaces the section of glyph that stores its color with the given RGBA8888 int color.
applyMode(long, long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Replaces the section of glyph that stores its alternate mode (which is the same section that stores its scale) with the given bit flags representing a mode (or lack of one).
applyScale(long, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Replaces the section of glyph that stores its scale with the given float multiplier, rounded to a multiple of 0.25 and (if out of bounds) wrapped to within 0.25 to 4.0, both inclusive.
applyStyle(long, long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Replaces the section of glyph that stores its style with the given long bits.You can get the bit constants with Font.BOLD, Font.OBLIQUE, Font.UNDERLINE, Font.STRIKETHROUGH, Font.SUBSCRIPT, Font.MIDSCRIPT, and Font.SUPERSCRIPT.
apricot - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "apricot" has RGBA8888 code FFA828FF, R 1.0, G 0.65882355, B 0.15686275, A 1.0, hue 0.09922481, saturation 0.84313726, and lightness 0.57843137.
assignTokenName(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
atlasLookup(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Gets the char that might be associated with name in at Atlas added to this (see Font.addAtlas(TextureAtlas), or returns the int -1 if the name could not be found.
atLimit - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
AttentionEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Makes the hovered-over glyph stretch on y, as well as some glyphs near it.
AttentionEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.AttentionEffect


background - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.LabelStyle
background - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
background - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
background - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
background - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextTooltipStyle
background - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.WindowStyle
backgroundDisabled - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
backgroundOpen - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
backgroundOver - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
BACKSPACE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
baseColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
BIRDLAND_AEROPLANE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width "sloppy" or "grungy" display font.
BitmapFontSupport - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A utility class for loading BitmapFont instances from Structured JSON files (which use .json, .dat, .ubj, .json.lzma, or .ubj.lzma as their file extension).
BitmapFontSupport() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.BitmapFontSupport
BitmapFontSupport.JsonFontData - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Mainly for internal use; allows loading BitmapFontData from a Structured JSON Font instead of a .fnt file.
BITTER - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width thin-weight serif font.
black - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "black" has RGBA8888 code 000000FF, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.
BLACK - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "BLACK" has RGBA8888 code 000000FF, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.
BLACK_OUTLINE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for black outline mode, as a long.
BlinkEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Blinks the entire text in two different colors at once, without interpolation.
BlinkEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.BlinkEffect
blinkEnabled - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
blinkTask - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
blinkTime - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
BlockUtils - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
BlockUtils() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
blue - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "blue" has RGBA8888 code 0000FFFF, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.6666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
BLUE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "BLUE" has RGBA8888 code 0000FFFF, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.6666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
BOLD - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for bold mode, as a long.
boldStrength - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
A multiplier that applies to the distance bold text will stretch away from the original glyph outline.
BOX_DRAWING - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
boxDrawingBreadth - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
When makeGridGlyphs is passed as true to a constructor here, box drawing and other block elements will be drawn using a solid block GlyphRegion that is stretched and moved to form various lines and blocks.
breakChars - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Must be in lexicographic order because we use Arrays.binarySearch(char[], int, int, char) to verify if a char is present.
brick - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "brick" has RGBA8888 code D5524AFF, R 0.8352941, G 0.32156864, B 0.2901961, A 1.0, hue 0.009592325, saturation 0.54509807, and lightness 0.5627451.
bronze - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "bronze" has RGBA8888 code CE8E31FF, R 0.80784315, G 0.5568628, B 0.19215687, A 1.0, hue 0.09872612, saturation 0.6156863, and lightness 0.49999997.
brown - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "brown" has RGBA8888 code 8F573BFF, R 0.56078434, G 0.34117648, B 0.23137255, A 1.0, hue 0.055555552, saturation 0.3294118, and lightness 0.39607844.
BROWN - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "BROWN" has RGBA8888 code 8B4513FF, R 0.54509807, G 0.27058825, B 0.07450981, A 1.0, hue 0.06944444, saturation 0.47058827, and lightness 0.30980393.
BULLET - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Used as the default char to replace content when passwordMode is on.
butter - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "butter" has RGBA8888 code FFF288FF, R 1.0, G 0.9490196, B 0.53333336, A 1.0, hue 0.14845939, saturation 0.46666664, and lightness 0.76666665.
button(Button) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds the given button to the button table.
button(Button) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds the given button to the button table.
button(Button, Object) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds the given button to the button table.
button(Button, Object) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds the given button to the button table.
button(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds a text button to the button table.
button(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds a text button to the button table.
button(String, Object) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds a text button to the button table.
button(String, Object) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds a text button to the button table.
button(String, Object, Styles.TextButtonStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds a text button to the button table.
button(String, Object, Styles.TextButtonStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds a text button to the button table.


cactus - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "cactus" has RGBA8888 code 30A000FF, R 0.1882353, G 0.627451, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.28333336, saturation 0.627451, and lightness 0.3137255.
calculateFadeout() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
Calculates the fadeout of this effect, if any.
calculateOffsets() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
calculateProgress(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
Calculates a linear progress dividing the total time by the given modifier.
calculateProgress(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
Calculates a linear progress dividing the total time by the given modifier.
calculateProgress(float, float, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
Calculates a linear progress dividing the total time by the given modifier.
calculateSize(Layout) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Given a Layout that uses this Font, this will recalculate the width and height of each Line in layout, changing the values in layout if they are incorrect.
calculateSize(Line) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Measures the actual width that the given Line will use when drawn, and sets it into the Line's Line.width field.
calculateXAdvances(Layout, FloatArray) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Not meant for general use; calculates the x-positions before every glyph in layout, including invisible ones.
calculateXAdvances(Line, FloatArray) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Not meant for general use; calculates the x-positions before every glyph in line, including invisible ones.
CANADA1500 - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width sans font.
cancel() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
cancel() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
cancelSkipping() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Cancels calls to TypingLabel.skipToTheEnd().
CannonEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Starts the text large and shrinks into the final position/size, arcing up and then ending moving down; may optionally shake once it arrives at its destination.
CannonEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.CannonEffect
canUseTextures - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
If true, any Font created will be able to instantiate Texture objects, query their dimensions, and perform other operations that typically require an OpenGL context.
CarouselEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Makes each glyph spin in place, as if around a central pole.
CarouselEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.CarouselEffect
CARRIAGE_RETURN - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
CASCADIA_MONO - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width programming font.
CaseInsensitiveIntMap - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
An unordered map where the keys are case-insensitive Strings and the values are unboxed ints.
CaseInsensitiveIntMap() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Creates a new map with an initial capacity of 51 and a load factor of 0.6.
CaseInsensitiveIntMap(int) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Creates a new map with a load factor of 0.6 .
CaseInsensitiveIntMap(int, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Creates a new map with the specified initial capacity and load factor.
CaseInsensitiveIntMap(CaseInsensitiveIntMap) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Creates a new map identical to the specified map.
CaseInsensitiveIntMap(String[], int[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Creates a new map and puts key-value pairs sequentially from the two given arrays until either array is exhausted.
CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Entries - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Entry - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Keys - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Values - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
CAVEAT - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width informal handwriting font.
celery - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "celery" has RGBA8888 code 7DFF73FF, R 0.49019608, G 1.0, B 0.4509804, A 1.0, hue 0.32142857, saturation 0.5490196, and lightness 0.7254902.
cellHeight - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Refers to the largest height of any glyph in the font, after scaling.
cellWidth - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Only actually refers to a "cell" when Font.isMono is true; otherwise refers to the largest width of any glyph in the font, after scaling.
CHANGA_ONE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width extra-heavy-weight "attention-getting" font.
channel(int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Given a packed int color and a channel value from 0 to 3, gets the value of that channel as a float from 0.0f to 1.0f .
channelInt(int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Given a packed int color and a channel value from 0 to 3, gets the value of that channel as an int from 0 to 255 .
CHAR_LIMIT_PER_FRAME - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
Defines how many chars can appear per frame.
chartreuse - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "chartreuse" has RGBA8888 code C8FF41FF, R 0.78431374, G 1.0, B 0.25490198, A 1.0, hue 0.21491227, saturation 0.745098, and lightness 0.627451.
CHARTREUSE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "CHARTREUSE" has RGBA8888 code 7FFF00FF, R 0.49803922, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.2503268, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
checkboxOff - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.CheckBoxStyle
checkboxOffDisabled - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.CheckBoxStyle
checkboxOn - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.CheckBoxStyle
checkboxOnDisabled - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.CheckBoxStyle
checkboxOnOver - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.CheckBoxStyle
checkboxOver - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.CheckBoxStyle
CheckBoxStyle() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.CheckBoxStyle
CheckBoxStyle(CheckBox.CheckBoxStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.CheckBoxStyle
CheckBoxStyle(Drawable, Drawable, BitmapFont, Color) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.CheckBoxStyle
CheckBoxStyle(Drawable, Drawable, Font, Color) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.CheckBoxStyle
CheckBoxStyle(Styles.CheckBoxStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.CheckBoxStyle
checkedDownFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
checkedFocusedFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
checkedFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
checkedOverFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
checkFocusTraversal(char) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
Checks if focus traversal should be triggered.
chocolate - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "chocolate" has RGBA8888 code 683818FF, R 0.40784314, G 0.21960784, B 0.09411765, A 1.0, hue 0.066666655, saturation 0.3137255, and lightness 0.25098038.
cinnamon - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "cinnamon" has RGBA8888 code D2691DFF, R 0.8235294, G 0.4117647, B 0.11372549, A 1.0, hue 0.06998159, saturation 0.70980394, and lightness 0.46862742.
CJK_SPACE_INSERTER - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
A RegExodus Replacer that replaces any CJK ideographic characters with themselves plus a zero-width space after.
clear() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
clear() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
clear(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Clears the map and reduces the size of the backing arrays to be the specified capacity / loadFactor, if they are larger.
CLEAR - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "CLEAR" has RGBA8888 code 00000000, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 0.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.
clearItems() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
clearItems() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
clearSelection() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
clearStatic() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
clearVariables() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Removes all variables from this label.
clicked(InputEvent, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
clipboard - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
cobalt - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "cobalt" has RGBA8888 code 0046ABFF, R 0.0, G 0.27450982, B 0.67058825, A 1.0, hue 0.5984406, saturation 0.67058825, and lightness 0.33529413.
COLOR - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
colorLookup - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Determines how colors are looked up by name; defaults to using ColorUtils.describe(String).
ColorLookup - Interface in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Allows looking up an RGBA8888 int color given a String key, returning either the color or 256 if none was found.
ColorUtils - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
A few static methods for commonly-used color handling tasks.
ColorUtils() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
com.github.tommyettinger.textra - package com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Contains the core of the library, such as the TypingLabel and Font classes.
com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects - package com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Contains the various effects that can be applied to text in a TypingLabel.
com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils - package com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
Contains miscellaneous support code; currently this covers 1D noise and color editing.
COMIC_MONO - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width dyslexia-friendly handwriting-like font.
compressToByteArray(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.LZBCompression
Compresses a String using LZB and returns it as a libGDX ByteArray.
compressToBytes(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.LZBCompression
Compresses a String using LZB compression and returns it as a byte array.
COMPUTER_SAYS_NO - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width octagonal font, possibly usable as "college-style" lettering.
connected - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Stores this Font and up to 15 other connected Fonts that can be switched between using [@Name] syntax.
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
containsValue(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns true if the specified value is in the map.
continueCursor(int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
copy() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Copies the contents of this TextraField to the Clipboard implementation set on this TextraField.
copySelectedText() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
If this label is TypingLabel.selectable and there is a selected range of text, this copies that range of text to the clipboard and returns true; otherwise, it returns false.
CORAL - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "CORAL" has RGBA8888 code FF7F50FF, R 1.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.3137255, A 1.0, hue 0.0447619, saturation 0.6862745, and lightness 0.65686274.
CORDATA_16X26 - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width, tall, thin pixel font.
countGlyphs() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Calculates how many long glyphs are currently in this layout, and returns that count.
COZETTE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width pixel font.
createInputListener() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
CrowdEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Rotates each glyph slightly back and forth, each one independently and randomly based on the current time.
CrowdEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.CrowdEffect
cursor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
cursor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
cursorOn - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
cut() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Copies the selected contents of this TextraField to the Clipboard implementation set on this TextraField, then removes it.
cut(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
cyan - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "cyan" has RGBA8888 code 00FFFFFF, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
CYAN - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "CYAN" has RGBA8888 code 00FFFFFF, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.


DARK_GRAY - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "DARK_GRAY" has RGBA8888 code 3F3F3FFF, R 0.24705882, G 0.24705882, B 0.24705882, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.24705882.
darken(int, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Interpolates from the int color start towards black by change.
debugString() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
decompressCategory(Category) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Takes the compressed bitset inside a RegExodus Category and decompresses it to a JDK BitSet.
decompressFromByteArray(ByteArray) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.LZBDecompression
Decompresses a libGDX ByteArray compressed with LZB, getting the original String back that was given to a compression method.
decompressFromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.LZBDecompression
Decompresses a byte array compressed with LZB, getting the original String back that was given to a compression method.
decompressFromBytes(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.LZBDecompression
Decompresses a byte array compressed with LZB, getting the original String back that was given to a compression method.
DEFAULT_CLEAR_COLOR - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
Default color for the CLEARCOLOR token.
DEFAULT_SPEED_PER_CHAR - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
Time in seconds that takes for each char to appear in the default speed.
DEFAULT_WAIT_VALUE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
Default time in seconds that an empty WAIT token should wait for.
DefaultOnscreenKeyboard() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.DefaultOnscreenKeyboard
defaultValue - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Which GlyphRegion to display if a char isn't found in Font.mapping.
DEJAVU_SANS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width sans font.
DEJAVU_SANS_CONDENSED - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width narrow sans font.
DEJAVU_SANS_MONO - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width programming font.
DEJAVU_SERIF - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width serif font.
DEJAVU_SERIF_CONDENSED - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width narrow serif font.
delete(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
DELETE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
denim - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "denim" has RGBA8888 code 3088B8FF, R 0.1882353, G 0.53333336, B 0.72156864, A 1.0, hue 0.5588235, saturation 0.53333336, and lightness 0.45490196.
descent - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
How far the unscaled font descends below the baseline, typically as a negative number (not always).
describe(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Parses a color description and returns the approximate color it describes, as an RGBA8888 int color.
describe(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Parses a subsection of a color description and returns the general color it describes, as an RGBA8888 int color.
DESCRIPTIVE - Static variable in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ColorLookup
The default ColorLookup, this parses a description such as "peach red" or "DARK DULLEST GREEN" using ColorUtils.describe(String) (See its docs for more information).
DigitsOnlyFilter() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldFilter.DigitsOnlyFilter
disabled - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
disabledBackground - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
disabledFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
disabledFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
disabledFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
dispose() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Releases all resources of this object.
dispose() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
distance - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SickEffect
distanceField - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
distanceFieldCrispness - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
When Font.distanceField is Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF, Font.DistanceFieldType.MSDF, or Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF_OUTLINE, this determines how much the edges of the glyphs should be aliased sharply (higher values) or anti-aliased softly (lower values).
down - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
downFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
dragging - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
dragging - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox.SelectBoxScrollPane
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
draw(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
If your font uses Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF or Font.DistanceFieldType.MSDF, then this has to do some extra work to use the appropriate shader.
drawBackground(Batch, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
Called to draw the background.
drawBackground(Batch, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
drawBlocks(Batch, char, int[][], float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws a grid made of rectangular blocks of int colors (typically RGBA) at the given x,y position in world space.
drawBlocks(Batch, int[][], float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws a grid made of rectangular blocks of int colors (typically RGBA) at the given x,y position in world space.
drawBlockSequence(Batch, float[], TextureRegion, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
An internal method that draws blocks in a sequence specified by a float[], with the block usually Font.solidBlock (but not always).
drawBlockSequence(Batch, float[], TextureRegion, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
An internal method that draws blocks in a sequence specified by a float[], with the block usually Font.solidBlock (but not always).
drawCursor(Drawable, Batch, Font, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraArea
drawCursor(Drawable, Batch, Font, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
drawFancyLine(Batch, long, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
An internal method that draws blocks in a sequence specified by a mode, with the block always Font.solidBlock.
drawGlyph(Batch, long, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified glyph with a Batch at the given x, y position.
drawGlyph(Batch, long, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified glyph with a Batch at the given x, y position and with the specified counterclockwise rotation, measured in degrees.
drawGlyph(Batch, long, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified glyph with a Batch at the given x, y position, with the specified counterclockwise rotation, measured in degrees, and with the specified x and y sizing/scaling, which are meant to be treated independently of the incremental scales in a glyph, and can be smooth.
drawGlyph(Batch, long, float, float, float, float, float, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified glyph with a Batch at the given x, y position, with the specified counterclockwise rotation, measured in degrees, and with the specified x and y sizing/scaling, which are meant to be treated independently of the incremental scales in a glyph, and can be smooth.
drawGlyphs(Batch, Layout, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified Layout of glyphs with a Batch at a given x, y position, drawing the full layout.
drawGlyphs(Batch, Layout, float, float, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified Layout of glyphs with a Batch at a given x, y position, using align to determine how to position the text.
drawGlyphs(Batch, Layout, float, float, int, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified Layout of glyphs with a Batch at a given x, y position, rotated using dedegrees around the given origin point, using align to determine how to position the text.
drawGlyphs(Batch, Line, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified Line of glyphs with a Batch at a given x, y position, drawing the full Line using left alignment.
drawGlyphs(Batch, Line, float, float, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified Line of glyphs with a Batch at a given x, y position, using align to determine how to position the text.
drawGlyphs(Batch, Line, float, float, int, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified Line of glyphs with a Batch at a given x, y position, rotated using degrees around the given origin point, using align to determine how to position the text.
drawItem(Batch, TextraLabel, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
drawMarkupText(Batch, String, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified text at the given x,y position (in world space), parsing an extension of libGDX markup and using it to determine color, size, position, shape, strikethrough, underline, case, and scale of the given CharSequence.
drawSection(Batch, float, int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Renders a subsection of the glyphs in this label.
drawSelection(Batch, Drawable, float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
drawStageBackground(Batch, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
drawText(Batch, CharSequence, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified text at the given x,y position (in world space) with a white foreground.
drawText(Batch, CharSequence, float, float, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Draws the specified text at the given x,y position (in world space) with the given foreground color.
drawTitleTable - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
drawVertices(Batch, Texture, float[]) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Given a 20-item float array (almost always Font.vertices in this class) and a Texture to draw (part of), this draws some part of the Texture using the given Batch.
DROP_SHADOW - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for drop shadow mode, as a long.
dullen(int, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Brings the chromatic components of start closer to grayscale by change (desaturating them).
duration - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect


EaseEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Moves the text vertically easing it into the final position.
EaseEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.EaseEffect
edge - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
Effect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Abstract text effect.
Effect(TypingLabel) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
EFFECT_END - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
EFFECT_START - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
Effect.EffectBuilder - Interface in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A functional interface that is meant to be used with the 2-parameter constructor available for all Effects here, using a method reference such as WaveEffect::new.
ellipsis - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
ember - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "ember" has RGBA8888 code F55A32FF, R 0.9607843, G 0.3529412, B 0.19607843, A 1.0, hue 0.034188036, saturation 0.7647059, and lightness 0.5784313.
EmergeEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Stretches the text vertically from the baseline up to its full height.
EmergeEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.EmergeEffect
enableShader(Batch) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Must be called before drawing anything with an SDF or MSDF font; does not need to be called for other fonts unless you are mixing them with SDF/MSDF fonts or other shaders.
enableSquareBrackets - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
If true (the default), square bracket markup functions as documented in Font.markup(String, Layout).
end() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingAdapter
end() - Method in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingListener
Called when the char progression reaches the end.
enrich(int, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Pushes the chromatic components of start away from grayscale by change (saturating them).
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items / loadFactor.
enter(InputEvent, float, float, int, Actor) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
entries() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns an iterator for the entries in the map.
Entries(CaseInsensitiveIntMap) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Entries
entries1 - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
entries2 - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Entry() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Entry
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
ERROR - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for error mode, shown as a red wiggly-underline, as a long.
event(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingAdapter
event(String) - Method in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingListener
Called each time an EVENT token is processed.
EVENT - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
extractChar(long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Given a glyph as a long, this returns the char it displays.
extractColor(long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Given a glyph as a long, this returns the RGBA8888 color it uses.
extractIntScale(long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Given a glyph as a long, this returns an int from 1 to 16 used internally for scale.
extractMode(long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Given a glyph as a long, this returns the bit flags for the current mode, if alternate mode is enabled.
extractScale(long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Given a glyph as a long, this returns the float multiplier it uses for scale.
extractStyle(long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Given a glyph as a long, this returns the style bits it uses.


FadeEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Fades the text's color from between colors or alphas.
FadeEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.FadeEffect
family - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
If non-null, may contain connected Font values and names/aliases to look them up with using [@Name] syntax.
fancyX - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Precise adjustment for the x-position of "fancy lines" such as error, warning, and note effects, affecting the left side of the line.
fancyY - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Precise adjustment for the y-position of "fancy lines" such as error, warning, and note effects, affecting the bottom side of the line.
fern - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "fern" has RGBA8888 code 4E7942FF, R 0.30588236, G 0.4745098, B 0.25882354, A 1.0, hue 0.2969697, saturation 0.21568626, and lightness 0.36666664.
filePart - Variable in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.DistanceFieldType
The part of a filename before the extension that is used to look up fonts with this DistanceFieldType.
filter - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
findKey(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns the key for the specified value, or null if it is not in the map.
FIREBRICK - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "FIREBRICK" has RGBA8888 code B22222FF, R 0.69803923, G 0.13333334, B 0.13333334, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.5647059, and lightness 0.41568628.
fitCell(float, float, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Fits all chars into cells width by height in size, and optionally centers them in their cells.
flip(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.GlyphRegion
Flips the region, adjusting the offset so the image appears to be flipped as if no whitespace has been removed for packing.
flip(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
flip(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
floatFromDec(CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Reads in a CharSequence containing only decimal digits (0-9) with an optional sign at the start and an optional decimal point anywhere in the CharSequence, and returns the float they represent, reading until it encounters the end of the sequence or any invalid char, then returning the result if valid, or 0 if nothing could be read.
FNT_NAMES - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
focused - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
focusedBackground - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
focusedFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
focusedFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
focusTraversal - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
font - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
font - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.LabelStyle
font - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
font - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
font - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
font - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
font - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
font - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
font(Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
One of the ways to set the font on a Layout; this one returns this Layout for chaining.
Font - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A replacement for libGDX's BitmapFont class, supporting additional markup to allow styling text with various effects.
Font() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a Font from a newly-created default BitmapFont, as by BitmapFont(), passing it to Font(BitmapFont, float, float, float, float).
Font(FileHandle, TextureRegion, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Creates a Font from a "Structured JSON" file produced by Chlumsky's msdf-atlas-gen tool, and uses it to assemble the many Font.GlyphRegions this has for each glyph.
Font(FileHandle, TextureRegion, float, float, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Creates a Font from a "Structured JSON" file produced by Chlumsky's msdf-atlas-gen tool, and uses it to assemble the many Font.GlyphRegions this has for each glyph.
Font(FileHandle, TextureRegion, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a font based off of an AngelCode BMFont .fnt file and the given TextureRegion that holds all of its glyphs, with the specified distance field effect.
Font(FileHandle, Array<TextureRegion>, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a font based off of an AngelCode BMFont .fnt file, with the given TextureRegion Array and specified distance field effect.
Font(FileHandle, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font by reading in a .fnt file from the given FileHandle and loading any images specified in that file.
Font(BitmapFont) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font from the existing BitmapFont, using its same Textures and TextureRegions for glyphs, and without a distance field effect or any adjustments to position except for a y offset equal to BitmapFont.getDescent().
Font(BitmapFont, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font from the existing BitmapFont, using its same Textures and TextureRegions for glyphs, and without a distance field effect.
Font(BitmapFont, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font from the existing BitmapFont, using its same Textures and TextureRegions for glyphs, and with the specified distance field effect.
Font(BitmapFont, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font from the existing BitmapFont, using its same Textures and TextureRegions for glyphs, and with the specified distance field effect.
Font(Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Copy constructor; does not copy the font's Font.shader or Font.colorLookup, if it has them (it uses the same reference for the new Font), but will fully copy everything else.
Font(String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a Font by reading in the given .fnt file and loading any images it specifies.
Font(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Creates a Font from a "Structured JSON" file produced by Chlumsky's msdf-atlas-gen tool, and uses it to assemble the many Font.GlyphRegions this has for each glyph.
Font(String, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font by reading in a .fnt file with the given name (an internal handle is tried) and loading any images specified in that file.
Font(String, TextureRegion, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Creates a Font from a "Structured JSON" file produced by Chlumsky's msdf-atlas-gen tool, and uses it to assemble the many Font.GlyphRegions this has for each glyph.
Font(String, TextureRegion, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a font using the given TextureRegion that holds all of its glyphs, with no distance field effect.
Font(String, TextureRegion, float, float, float, float, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Creates a Font from a "Structured JSON" file produced by Chlumsky's msdf-atlas-gen tool, and uses it to assemble the many Font.GlyphRegions this has for each glyph.
Font(String, TextureRegion, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a font based off of an AngelCode BMFont .fnt file and the given TextureRegion that holds all of its glyphs, with the specified distance field effect.
Font(String, TextureRegion, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a font based off of an AngelCode BMFont .fnt file and the given TextureRegion that holds all of its glyphs, with the specified distance field effect.
Font(String, Array<TextureRegion>, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a font based off of an AngelCode BMFont .fnt file and the given TextureRegion Array, with no distance field effect.
Font(String, Array<TextureRegion>, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a font based off of an AngelCode BMFont .fnt file, with the given TextureRegion Array and specified distance field effect.
Font(String, Array<TextureRegion>, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a font based off of an AngelCode BMFont .fnt file, with the given TextureRegion Array and specified distance field effect.
Font(String, Font.DistanceFieldType) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a Font by reading in the given .fnt file and loading any images it specifies.
Font(String, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font by reading in a .fnt file with the given name (an internal handle is tried) and loading any images specified in that file.
Font(String, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font by reading in a .fnt file with the given name (an internal handle is tried) and loading any images specified in that file.
Font(String, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a Font by reading in the given .fnt file and the given Texture by filename.
Font(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font by reading in a SadConsole .font file with the given name (an internal handle is tried) and loading any images specified in that file.
Font(String, String, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font by reading in a Texture from the given named path (internal is tried), and no distance field effect.
Font(String, String, Font.DistanceFieldType) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a Font by reading in the given .fnt file and the given Texture by filename.
Font(String, String, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font by reading in a Texture from the given named path (internal is tried), and the specified distance field effect.
Font(String, String, Font.DistanceFieldType, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Constructs a new Font by reading in a Texture from the given named path (internal is tried), and the specified distance field effect.
Font.DistanceFieldType - Enum Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Defines what types of distance field font this can use and render.
Font.FontFamily - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Holds up to 16 Font values, accessible by index or by name, that markup can switch between while rendering.
Font.GlyphRegion - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Describes the region of a glyph in a larger TextureRegion, carrying a little more info about the offsets that apply to where the glyph is rendered.
Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Font.TexturelessRegion - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Describes the region of a glyph in a hypothetical larger Texture that most likely does not exist here.
fontAliases - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Stores the names of Fonts (or aliases for those Fonts) as keys, mapped to ints between 0 and 15 inclusive.
fontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.LabelStyle
fontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
fontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
fontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
fontColorSelected - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
fontColorUnselected - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
FontFamily() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Creates a FontFamily that only allows staying on the same font, unless later configured otherwise.
FontFamily(Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Constructs a FontFamily given a Skin that defines one or more BitmapFont items.
FontFamily(OrderedMap<String, Font>) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Constructs a FontFamily given an OrderedMap of String keys (names of Fonts) to Font values (the Fonts that can be switched between).
FontFamily(Font[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Creates a FontFamily given an array of Font values, using the of each Font as its alias.
FontFamily(Font[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Creates a FontFamily given an array of Font values that and offset/length values for those arrays (allowing Array to sometimes be used to get the items for fonts).
FontFamily(Font.FontFamily) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Copy constructor for another FontFamily.
FontFamily(FWSkin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Constructs a FontFamily given a FWSkin that defines one or more Font items.
FontFamily(String[], Font[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Creates a FontFamily given an array of String names and a (almost-always same-sized) array of Font values that those names will refer to.
FontFamily(String[], Font[], int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Creates a FontFamily given an array of String names, a (almost-always same-sized) array of Font values that those names will refer to, and offset/length values for those arrays (allowing Array to sometimes be used to get the items for aliases and fonts).
fontOffset - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
FOREST - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "FOREST" has RGBA8888 code 228B22FF, R 0.13333334, G 0.54509807, B 0.13333334, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 0.41176474, and lightness 0.33921573.
FWSkin - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A subclass of Skin that includes a serializer for Structured JSON Fonts, which are typically generated by fontwriter (hence the "FW" in the name).
FWSkin() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.FWSkin
Creates an empty skin.
FWSkin(FileHandle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.FWSkin
Creates a skin containing the resources in the specified skin JSON file.
FWSkin(FileHandle, TextureAtlas) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.FWSkin
Creates a skin containing the resources in the specified skin JSON file and the texture regions from the specified atlas.
FWSkin(TextureAtlas) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.FWSkin
Creates a skin containing the texture regions from the specified atlas.
FWSkinLoader - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
An AssetLoader to load a FWSkin.
FWSkinLoader(FileHandleResolver) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.FWSkinLoader
Creates a loader with the associated resolver.


GENTIUM - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width Unicode-heavy serif font.
GENTIUM_UN_ITALIC - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width Unicode-heavy "swashbuckling" serif font.
get(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Gets the corresponding Font for a name/alias, or null if it was not found.
get(String, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns the value for the specified key, or the default value if the key is not in the map.
getAlignment() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getAlignment() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Gets the alignment for the text in this TextraLabel.
getAlignment() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getAll() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a new array of Font instances, calling each getXyz() method in this class that returns any Font.
getAllMSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a new array of Font instances, calling KnownFonts.getFont(String, DistanceFieldType) on every font name in KnownFonts.STANDARD_NAMES with Font.DistanceFieldType.MSDF as the distance field type.
getAllSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a new array of Font instances, calling KnownFonts.getFont(String, DistanceFieldType) on every font name in KnownFonts.STANDARD_NAMES with Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF as the distance field type.
getAllStandard() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a new array of Font instances, calling KnownFonts.getFont(String, DistanceFieldType) on every font name in KnownFonts.STANDARD_NAMES with Font.DistanceFieldType.STANDARD as the distance field type (meaning no distance field effect will be used).
getAndIncrement(String, int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns the key's current value and increments the stored value.
getAStarry() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a very large fixed-width Font already configured to use a square font with 45-degree angled sections, based on the typeface used on the Atari ST console.
getAStarry(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a very large fixed-width Font already configured to use a square font with 45-degree angled sections, based on the typeface used on the Atari ST console.
getAStarryMSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a very large fixed-width Font already configured to use a square font with 45-degree angled sections, based on the typeface used on the Atari ST console.
getAStarryTall() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a very large fixed-width Font already configured to use a tall font with angled sections, based on the typeface used on the Atari ST console.
getAStarryTall(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a very large fixed-width Font already configured to use a tall font with angled sections, based on the typeface used on the Atari ST console.
getBackgroundDrawable() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getBackgroundDrawable() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Returns appropriate background drawable from the style based on the current select box state.
getBaseColor() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Gets the base color of the Layout, as the float bits of a Color.
getBirdlandAeroplane() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width "sloppy" or "grungy" display font, that should scale pretty well from a height of about 160 down to a height of maybe 40.
getBirdlandAeroplane(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width "sloppy" or "grungy" display font, that should scale pretty well from a height of about 160 down to a height of maybe 40, or a little smaller if using SDF or MSDF.
getBitmapFont(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
A general way to get a copied BitmapFont from the known set of fonts, this takes a String name (which can be from KnownFonts.JSON_NAMES or KnownFonts.FNT_NAMES, but is more likely from a constant such as KnownFonts.OPEN_SANS).
getBitter() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a light-weight variable-width slab serif font with good Latin and Cyrillic script support, that should scale pretty well from a height of about 160 down to a height of maybe 30.
getBitter(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a light-weight variable-width slab serif font with good Latin and Cyrillic script support.
getBlinkTime() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getBoldStrength() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getBoxDrawingBreadth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
When makeGridGlyphs is passed as true to a constructor here, box drawing and other block elements will be drawn using a solid block GlyphRegion that is stretched and moved to form various lines and blocks.
getButtonTable() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
getButtonTable() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
getCanada() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a very-legible variable-width font with strong support for Canadian Aboriginal Syllabic, that should scale pretty well from a height of about 86 down to a height of maybe 30.
getCanada(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a very-legible variable-width font with strong support for Canadian Aboriginal Syllabic.
getCascadiaMono() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a quirky fixed-width font with good Unicode support and a humanist style, that should scale well from a height of about 60 pixels to about 15 pixels.
getCascadiaMono(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a quirky fixed-width font with good Unicode support and a humanist style.
getCascadiaMonoMSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a quirky fixed-width font with good Unicode support and a humanist style.
getCaveat() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width handwriting font with support for extended Latin and Cyrillic, that should scale pretty well from a height of about 160 down to a height of maybe 20.
getCaveat(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width handwriting font with support for extended Latin and Cyrillic.
getChangaOne() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width extra-heavy-weight "attention-getting" font with some support for extended Latin, that should scale pretty well from a height of about 160 down to a height of maybe 20.
getChangaOne(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width extra-heavy-weight "attention-getting" font with some support for extended Latin Uses the given distance field type.
getClearColor() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Returns a Color instance with the color to be used on CLEARCOLOR tokens.
getClickListener() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
getColorLookup() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Gets the ColorLookup this uses to look up colors by name.
getComicMono() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a dyslexia-friendly, fixed-width font that is reminiscent of handwriting, that should scale well from a height of about 120 pixels to about 15 pixels.
getComicMono(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a dyslexia-friendly, fixed-width font that is reminiscent of handwriting.
getComputerSaysNo() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a fixed-width, octagonal, unicode-heavy font.
getComputerSaysNo(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a fixed-width, octagonal, unicode-heavy font.
getContentTable() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
getContentTable() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
getCordata16x26() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font configured to use a tall, thin, "retro," fixed-width bitmap font, Cordata PPC 21 from the little-known Cordata computer line.
getCozette() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font configured to use a cozy fixed-width bitmap font, Cozette by slavfox.
getCrispness() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Gets the "crispness" multiplier for distance field fonts (SDF and MSDF).
getCullingArea() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getCumulativeHeight(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
Gets the total height of the item with the given index and all items before it.
getCumulativeLineHeight(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Gets the height of the Line containing the glyph at the given index, plus the heights of all preceding lines, in the working layout.
getCursorPosition() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getDefaultInputListener() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getDefaultToken() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Returns the default token being used in this label.
getDejaVuSans() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width sans-serif font with excellent Unicode support.
getDejaVuSans(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width sans-serif font with excellent Unicode support.
getDejaVuSansCondensed() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width narrow sans-serif font with excellent Unicode support.
getDejaVuSansCondensed(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width narrow sans-serif font with excellent Unicode support.
getDejaVuSansMono() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
A nice old standby font with very broad language support, DejaVu Sans Mono is fixed-width and can be clearly readable but doesn't do anything unusual stylistically.
getDejaVuSansMono(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
A nice old standby font with very broad language support, DejaVu Sans Mono is fixed-width and can be clearly readable but doesn't do anything unusual stylistically.
getDejaVuSerif() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width serif font with excellent Unicode support.
getDejaVuSerif(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width serif font with excellent Unicode support.
getDejaVuSerifCondensed() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width narrow serif font with excellent Unicode support.
getDejaVuSerifCondensed(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width narrow serif font with excellent Unicode support.
getDescent() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getDistanceField() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
A Font.DistanceFieldType that should be Font.DistanceFieldType.STANDARD for most fonts, and can be Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF, Font.DistanceFieldType.MSDF, or Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF_OUTLINE if you know you have a font made to be used with one of those rendering techniques.
getEllipsis() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Gets the ellipsis, which may be null, or may be a String that can be placed at the end of the text if its max lines are exceeded.
getEllipsis() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Gets the ellipsis, which may be null, or may be a String that can be placed at the end of the text if its max lines are exceeded.
getEllipsis() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Gets the ellipsis, which may be null, or may be a String that can be placed at the end of the text if its max lines are exceeded.
getFamily() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Gets the FontFamily this can use to switch fonts using [@Name] syntax.
getFamily(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font (KnownFonts.getGentium()) with a FontFamily configured so that 15 Fonts with the given Font.DistanceFieldType can be used with syntax like [@Sans].
getFancyLineX() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getFancyLineY() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getFont() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
getFont() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
getFont(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
A general way to get a copied Font from the known set of fonts, this takes a String name (which can be from KnownFonts.JSON_NAMES, KnownFonts.FNT_NAMES, or KnownFonts.SAD_NAMES, or more likely from a constant such as KnownFonts.OPEN_SANS) and treats it as using no distance field effect (Font.DistanceFieldType.STANDARD).
getFont(String, Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
A general way to get a copied Font from the known set of fonts, this takes a String name (which can be from KnownFonts.JSON_NAMES, KnownFonts.FNT_NAMES, or KnownFonts.SAD_NAMES, or more likely from a constant such as KnownFonts.OPEN_SANS) and a DistanceFieldType (which is usually Font.DistanceFieldType.STANDARD, but could also be Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF, Font.DistanceFieldType.MSDF, or even Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF_OUTLINE).
getFontColor() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
Returns the appropriate label font color from the style based on the current button state.
getFontColor() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
Returns the appropriate label font color from the style based on the current button state.
getFontColor() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Returns the appropriate label font color from the style based on the current button state.
getFromIntermediate(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
getGameIconsFont(float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Gets a typically-square Font that is meant to be used in a FontFamily, allowing switching to a Font with the many icons.
getGentium() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width serif font with excellent Unicode support, that should scale well from a height of about 132 down to a height of 24.
getGentium(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width serif font with excellent Unicode support.
getGentiumMSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width serif font with excellent Unicode support, that should scale cleanly to even very large sizes (using an MSDF technique).
getGentiumSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width serif font with excellent Unicode support, that should scale cleanly to even very large sizes (using an SDF technique).
getGentiumUnItalic() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width "italic-like" serif font with excellent Unicode support, that should scale well from a height of about 97 down to a height of 30.
getGentiumUnItalic(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width "italic-like" serif font with excellent Unicode support, that should scale well from a height of about 97 down to a height of 30.
getGlacialIndifference() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width geometric sans-serif font.
getGlacialIndifference(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width geometric sans-serif font.
getGlyph(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Gets a glyph from this label's TextraLabel.layout, where a glyph is a long encoded how Font uses it.
getGoNotoUniversal() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width sans-serif font with extreme pan-Unicode support, that should scale cleanly to medium-small sizes (but not large sizes).
getGoNotoUniversal(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width sans-serif font with extreme pan-Unicode support.
getGoNotoUniversalSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width sans-serif font with extreme pan-Unicode support, that should scale cleanly to even very large sizes (using an SDF technique).
getGrenze() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width, heavy-weight, legible gothic font.
getGrenze(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width, heavy-weight, legible gothic font.
getHanazono() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width, narrow font with nearly-complete CJK character coverage, plus Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic, that should scale pretty well down, but not up.
getHeight() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
getIBM8x16() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font configured to use a classic, nostalgic fixed-width bitmap font, IBM 8x16 from the early, oft-beloved computer line.
getIBM8x16Sad() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font configured to use a classic, nostalgic fixed-width bitmap font, IBM 8x16 from the early, oft-beloved computer line.
getImage() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
getImage() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
getImage() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
getImageCell() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
getImageCell() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
getImageCell() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
getImageDrawable() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
Returns the appropriate image drawable from the style based on the current button state.
getInconsolata() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
A customized version of Inconsolata LGC, a fixed-width geometric font that supports a large range of Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic glyphs, plus box drawing and some dingbat characters (like zodiac signs).
getInconsolata(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
A customized version of Inconsolata LGC, a fixed-width geometric font that supports a large range of Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic glyphs, plus box drawing and some dingbat characters (like zodiac signs).
getInconsolataMSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
A customized version of Inconsolata LGC, a fixed-width geometric font that supports a large range of Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic glyphs, plus box drawing and some dingbat characters (like zodiac signs).
getInLayout(Layout, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
getInlineImageOffsetX() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getInlineImageOffsetY() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getInlineImageStretch() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getInlineImageXAdvance() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getIntermediateText() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
getInWorkingLayout(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
getIosevka() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a highly-legible fixed-width font with good Unicode support and a sans-serif geometric style.
getIosevka(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a highly-legible fixed-width font with good Unicode support and a sans-serif geometric style.
getIosevkaMSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a highly-legible fixed-width font with good Unicode support and a sans-serif geometric style, that should scale cleanly to even very large sizes (using an MSDF technique).
getIosevkaSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a highly-legible fixed-width font with good Unicode support and a sans-serif geometric style, that should scale cleanly to fairly large sizes (using an SDF technique).
getIosevkaSlab() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a highly-legible fixed-width font with good Unicode support and a slab-serif geometric style.
getIosevkaSlab(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a highly-legible fixed-width font with good Unicode support and a sans-serif geometric style.
getIosevkaSlabMSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a highly-legible fixed-width font with good Unicode support and a slab-serif geometric style, that should scale cleanly to even very large sizes (using an MSDF technique).
getIosevkaSlabSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a highly-legible fixed-width font with good Unicode support and a slab-serif geometric style, that should scale cleanly to fairly large sizes (using an SDF technique).
getItemAt(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getItemIndexAt(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getItems() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
Returns the internal items array.
getItems() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Returns the internal items array.
getJsonExtension(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Given a partial filename (which can have an internal path), this checks the range of possible file extensions that TextraTypist understands for fonts, and returns jsonName with one of the five possible extensions added if a file by that name exists as an internal asset.
getJsonLoader(FileHandle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.FWSkin
Overrides the default JSON loader to process Structured JSON Fonts from a Skin JSON.
getKeyListener() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getKingthingsFoundation() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a fairly-legible variable-width ornamental/medieval font, that should scale pretty well from a height of about 90 down to a height of maybe 30.
getKingthingsFoundation(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a fairly-legible variable-width ornamental/medieval font, using the given distance field type.
getKingthingsPetrock() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a clearly-legible variable-width medieval font, that should scale pretty well from a height of about 90 down to a height of maybe 30.
getKingthingsPetrock(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a clearly-legible variable-width medieval font, using the given distance field type.
getLabel() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
getLabelCell() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
getLanaPixel() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width pixel font with excellent Unicode support, that probably should only be used at integer multiples of its normal size.
getLibertinusSerif() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width serif font with good Unicode support, that should scale cleanly to fairly large sizes or down to about 20 pixels.
getLibertinusSerif(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width serif font with good Unicode support, using the given distance field type.
getLibertinusSerifSemibold() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width heavy-weight serif font with good Unicode support, that should scale cleanly to fairly large sizes or down to about 20 pixels.
getLibertinusSerifSemibold(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width heavy-weight serif font with good Unicode support, using the given distance field type.
getLine(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Gets a Line from this by its index.
getLineHeight(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Gets the height of the Line containing the glyph at the given index.
getLineHeight(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Gets the height of the Line containing the glyph at the given index, in the working layout.
getLineInLayout(Layout, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
getList() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Returns the list shown when the select box is open.
getList() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox.SelectBoxScrollPane
getMaxDimension() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.GlyphRegion
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getMaxLines() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
The maximum number of Lines this Layout can contain.
getMaxLines() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
The maximum number of Lines this label can display.
getMaxLines() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
The maximum number of Lines this label can display.
getMaxListCount() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
getMaxPrefWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Returns the pref width of the select box if the widest item was selected, for use when TextraSelectBox.setSelectedPrefWidth(boolean) is true.
getMessageText() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getName() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getNowAlt() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width geometric sans-serif font, that should scale cleanly to fairly large sizes or down to about 20 pixels.
getNowAlt(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width geometric sans-serif font, using the given distance field type.
getObliqueStrength() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getOnscreenKeyboard() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Default is an instance of TextraField.DefaultOnscreenKeyboard.
getOpenSans() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font configured to use a clean variable-width font, Open Sans.
getOpenSans(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font configured to use a clean variable-width font, Open Sans, using the given distance field type.
getOriginalText() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Similar to Layout.toString(), but returns the original text with all the tokens unchanged.
getOstrichBlack() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font configured to use an ALL-CAPS, variable-width, tall, very-heavy-weight sans-serif font, Ostrich Black, without using a distance field effect.
getOstrichBlack(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font configured to use an ALL-CAPS, variable-width, tall, very-heavy-weight sans-serif font, Ostrich Black, using the given distance field type.
getOutlineStrength() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getOverItem() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getOverlock() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width "flowy" sans-serif font, that should scale pretty well down, but not up.
getOverlock(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width "flowy" sans-serif font, using the given distance field type.
getOverlockUnItalic() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width "italic-like" and "especially flowy" sans font.
getOverlockUnItalic(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width "italic-like" and "especially flowy" sans font.
getOxanium() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width "science-fiction/high-tech" font, that should scale pretty well down, but not up.
getOxanium(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width "science-fiction/high-tech" font, using the given distance field type.
getPasswordCharacter() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Gets the password character for the text field.
getPrefHeight() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getPrefHeight() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
getPrefHeight() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getPrefHeight() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
getPrefHeight() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
getPrefWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getPrefWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
getPrefWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getPrefWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
getPrefWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
getPrefWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
getPressedItem() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getProgrammaticChangeEvents() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getQuanPixel() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font configured to use a small variable-width bitmap font with extensive coverage of Asian scripts, QuanPixel.
getRegionHeight() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
getRegionHeight() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
getRegionWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
getRegionWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
getRegionX() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
getRegionX() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
getRegionY() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
getRegionY() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
getResizeBorder() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
getRgba(String) - Method in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ColorLookup
Looks up key to get an RGBA8888 color, and returns that color as an int if one was found, or returns 256 if none was found.
getRgba(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ColorLookup
Looks up key to get an RGBA8888 color, and returns that color as an int if one was found, or returns 256 if none was found.
getRobotoCondensed() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a very-legible condensed variable-width font with excellent Unicode support, that should scale pretty well from a height of about 62 down to a height of maybe 20.
getRobotoCondensed(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a very-legible condensed variable-width font with excellent Unicode support, using the given distance field type.
getScrollPane() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Returns the scroll pane containing the list that is shown when the select box is open.
getSelawik() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width humanist sans-serif font, that should scale pretty well down, but not up.
getSelawik(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width humanist sans-serif font, using the given distance field type.
getSelawikBold() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width humanist bold sans-serif font, that should scale pretty well down, but not up.
getSelawikBold(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width humanist bold sans-serif font, using the given distance field type.
getSelectBox() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox.SelectBoxScrollPane
getSelected() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
Returns the first selected item, or null.
getSelected() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Returns the first selected item, or null.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
getSelectedPrefWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
getSelectedText() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
If this label is TypingLabel.selectable and there is a selected range of text, this returns that range of text; otherwise, it returns the empty string.
getSelection() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getSelection() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getSelection() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Get the set of selected items, useful when multiple items are selected
getSelectionEnd() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getSelectionStart() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getStandardFamily() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font (KnownFonts.getGentium()) with a FontFamily configured so that 15 non-distance-field Fonts can be used with syntax like [@Sans].
getStoredState(String, long) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Looks up the given name in the stored states and returns the associated formatting state, or fallback if the name was not present.
getStrikethroughX() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getStrikethroughY() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getStyle() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
getStyle() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
getStyle() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
Returns the checkbox's style.
getStyle() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Returns the text field's style.
getStyle() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
Returns the list's style.
getStyle() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Returns the select box's style.
getStyle() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
Returns the window's style.
getStyle() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
Returns the checkbox's style.
getTangerine() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width script font, that should scale pretty well down, but not up.
getTangerine(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width script font, using the given distance field type.
getTangerineSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width script font, that should scale to many sizes using an SDF effect.
getTargetWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
getText() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
getText() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
getText() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getTextFieldFilter() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getTextraLabel() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
getTextraLabelCell() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
getTextSpeed() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
getTextY(Font, Drawable) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraArea
getTextY(Font, Drawable) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
getTitleLabel() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
getTitleTable() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
getTypeToSelect() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
getTypingListener() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Returns the TypingListener associated with this label.
getUnderlineX() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getUnderlineY() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
getVariables() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Returns the ObjectMap with all the variable names and their respective replacement values that this label uses to handle {VAR=NAME} replacements.
getWidth() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
getWorkingLayout() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Returns the meant-for-internal-use-only Layout that is frequently changed as this label is displayed.
getYanoneKaffeesatz() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width, narrow, humanist font, that should scale pretty well down, but not up.
getYanoneKaffeesatz(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width, narrow, humanist font, using the given distance field type.
getYanoneKaffeesatzMSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width, narrow, humanist font, that should scale to many sizes using an MSDF effect.
getYataghan() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width, narrow, "dark fantasy" font.
getYataghan(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width, narrow, "dark fantasy" font, using the given distance field type.
getYataghanMSDF() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Returns a Font already configured to use a variable-width, narrow, "dark fantasy" font, that can scale to many sizes using an MSDF effect.
GLACIAL_INDIFFERENCE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width geometric font.
GLOBAL_VARS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
Map of global variables that affect all TypingLabel instances at once.
glyphBuffer - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
glyphPositions - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
GlyphRegion(TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.GlyphRegion
Creates a GlyphRegion from a parent TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion (almost always from an atlas).
GlyphRegion(TextureRegion) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.GlyphRegion
Creates a GlyphRegion from a parent TextureRegion (typically from an atlas).
GlyphRegion(TextureRegion, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.GlyphRegion
Creates a GlyphRegion from a parent TextureRegion (typically from an atlas), along with any offsets to use for its x and y coordinates, and the amount of horizontal space to move over when this is drawn.
GlyphRegion(TextureRegion, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.GlyphRegion
Creates a GlyphRegion from a parent TextureRegion (typically from an atlas), along with the lower-left x and y coordinates, the width, and the height of the GlyphRegion.
GlyphRegion(Font.GlyphRegion) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.GlyphRegion
Copies another GlyphRegion.
glyphs - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Line
GO_NOTO_UNIVERSAL - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width Unicode-heavy sans font.
goEnd(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
goHome(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
GOLD - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "GOLD" has RGBA8888 code FFD700FF, R 1.0, G 0.84313726, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.14052288, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
GOLDENROD - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "GOLDENROD" has RGBA8888 code DAA520FF, R 0.85490197, G 0.64705884, B 0.1254902, A 1.0, hue 0.119175635, saturation 0.7294118, and lightness 0.49019608.
GradientEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Tints the text in a gradient pattern; never ends.
GradientEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.GradientEffect
gray - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "gray" has RGBA8888 code 808080FF, R 0.5019608, G 0.5019608, B 0.5019608, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.5019608.
GRAY - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "GRAY" has RGBA8888 code 7F7F7FFF, R 0.49803922, G 0.49803922, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.49803922.
green - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "green" has RGBA8888 code 00FF00FF, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
GREEN - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "GREEN" has RGBA8888 code 00FF00FF, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
GRENZE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width heavy-weight serif font, looking like early printing-press type.


HANAZONO - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width CJK-heavy serif font.
handleBracketMinusMarkup(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Parser
Replaces any square-bracket markup of the form [-SOMETHING] with the curly-brace tag form {SOMETHING}.
handleEllipsis(Layout) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
handleIntegerPosition(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Currently, this is only an extension point for code that wants to ensure integer positions; it does nothing on its own other than return its argument unchanged.
HangEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Hangs the text in midair and suddenly drops it.
HangEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.HangEffect
hasEnded() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Returns whether this label's char progression has ended.
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
hashCodeIgnoreCase(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Gets a 32-bit thoroughly-random hashCode from the given CharSequence, ignoring the case of any cased letters.
hashCodeIgnoreCase(CharSequence, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Gets a 32-bit thoroughly-random hashCode from the given CharSequence, ignoring the case of any cased letters.
hashSeed - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
hasNext - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Keys
hasNext() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Entries
hasNext() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Keys
hasNext() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Values
hasSelection() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
If this label is TypingLabel.selectable and there is a selected range of text, this returns true; otherwise, it returns false.
HeartbeatEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Makes the text expand and shrink like a beating heart.
HeartbeatEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.HeartbeatEffect
height - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
height - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
height - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Line
heightAdjust - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The height-adjustment this Font was initialized with, or 0 if there was none given.
hexChar(int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Converts the given number, which should be between 0 and 15 inclusive, to its corresponding hex digit as a char.
hexChar(long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Converts the given number, which should be between 0 and 15 inclusive, to its corresponding hex digit as a char.
hexCode(char) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
An overly-permissive, but fast, way of looking up the numeric value of a hex digit provided as a char.
hide() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Hides the dialog.
hide() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox.SelectBoxScrollPane
hide() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Hides the dialog.
hide(Action) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Removes the dialog from the stage, restoring the previous keyboard and scroll focus, and adds the specified action to the dialog.
hide(Action) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Removes the dialog from the stage, restoring the previous keyboard and scroll focus, and adds the specified action to the dialog.
hideList() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
hideScrollPane() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
HighlightEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Tints the single glyph (or affected text, if all is true) underneath the pointer/mouse in a rainbow pattern.
HighlightEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.HighlightEffect
historyBuffer - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
hit(float, float, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
hsb2rgb(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Converts the four HSBA/HSVA components, each in the 0.0 to 1.0 range, to an int in RGBA8888 format.
hsl2rgb(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Converts the four HSLA components, each in the 0.0 to 1.0 range, to an int in RGBA8888 format.


IBM_8X16 - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width "traditional" pixel font.
IBM_8X16_SAD - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width "traditional" pixel font using SadConsole's format.
IF - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
ignoreTouchDown - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
ignoreTouchDown - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
imageChecked - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
imageCheckedDown - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
imageCheckedOver - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
imageDisabled - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
imageDown - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
imageOver - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
ImageTextButtonStyle() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
ImageTextButtonStyle(ImageTextButton.ImageTextButtonStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
ImageTextButtonStyle(TextButton.TextButtonStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
ImageTextButtonStyle(Drawable, Drawable, Drawable, BitmapFont) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
ImageTextButtonStyle(Drawable, Drawable, Drawable, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
ImageTextButtonStyle(Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
ImageTextButtonStyle(Styles.TextButtonStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
ImageTextraButton - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A button with a child Image and TextraLabel.
ImageTextraButton(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
ImageTextraButton(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
ImageTextraButton(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
ImageTextraButton(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
ImageTextraButton(String, Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
ImageTextraButton(String, Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
ImageTypingButton - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A button with a child Image and TypingLabel.
ImageTypingButton(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTypingButton
ImageTypingButton(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTypingButton
ImageTypingButton(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTypingButton
ImageTypingButton(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTypingButton
ImageTypingButton(String, Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTypingButton
ImageTypingButton(String, Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTypingButton
imageUp - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle
INCONSOLATA_LGC - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width geometric/programming font.
indexAfter(String, String, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Returns the next index just after the end of search starting at from in text.
indexEnd - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
indexStart - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
indigo - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "indigo" has RGBA8888 code 520FE0FF, R 0.32156864, G 0.05882353, B 0.8784314, A 1.0, hue 0.7200957, saturation 0.81960785, and lightness 0.46862745.
initialize() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
initializeGlobalVars() - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
Defines several default variables with names in ALLCAPS with no separators, all of them creating effects with complex parameters or combining multiple effects.
inlineImageOffsetX - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
An adjustment added to the Font.GlyphRegion.offsetX of any inline images added with Font.addAtlas(TextureAtlas, String, String, float, float, float) (or its overloads).
inlineImageOffsetY - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
An adjustment added to the Font.GlyphRegion.offsetY of any inline images added with Font.addAtlas(TextureAtlas, String, String, float, float, float) (or its overloads).
inlineImageStretch - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
A multiplier applied to the sizes of any inline images (such as emoji) added with Font.addAtlas(TextureAtlas, String, String, float, float, float) (or its overloads), at draw-time.
inlineImageXAdvance - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
inputListener - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
insert(int, CharSequence) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
insert(int, CharSequence, String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
insertInLayout(Layout, int, long) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
insertInLayout(Layout, int, CharSequence) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
insertLine(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
insertZeroWidthSpacesInCJK(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Inserts a zero-width space character (Unicode U+200B) after every CJK ideographic character in text.
INSTANCE - Static variable in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ColorLookup
An alternative ColorLookup, this simply looks up key in Colors.
InstantEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Makes a span of text appear instantly, without the typing delay taking place per-glyph.
InstantEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.InstantEffect
integerPosition - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
By default, this doesn't do anything; subclasses can override Font.handleIntegerPosition(float) to try to do something different with it.
INTERVAL_MULTIPLIERS_BY_CHAR - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
Returns a map of characters and their respective interval multipliers, of which the interval to the next char should be multiplied for.
intFromDec(CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Reads in a CharSequence containing only decimal digits (only 0-9) with an optional sign at the start and returns the int they represent, reading at most 10 characters (11 if there is a sign) and returning the result if valid, or 0 if nothing could be read.
intFromHex(CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Reads in a CharSequence containing only hex digits (only 0-9, a-f, and A-F) with an optional sign at the start and returns the int they represent, reading at most 8 characters (9 if there is a sign) and returning the result if valid, or 0 if nothing could be read.
invalidate() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
IOSEVKA - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width Unicode-heavy sans font.
IOSEVKA_SLAB - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a fixed-width Unicode-heavy slab-serif font.
isBlockGlyph(int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
Returns true if the given char can be handled by the box drawing and block element data here, or false if the Font should try to handle that char itself.
isCursorBlinking() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
isDisabled() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
isDisabled() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
isDragging() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
isEmpty() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns true if the map is empty.
isFinished() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
Returns whether this effect is finished and should be removed.
isFlipX() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
isFlipX() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
isFlipY() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
isFlipY() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
isLowerCase(char) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Returns true if c is a lower-case letter, or false otherwise.
isModal() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
isMono - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
If true, this is a fixed-width (monospace) font; if false, this is probably a variable-width font.
isMovable() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
isOver() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
isPasswordMode() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
isPaused() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Returns whether this label is paused.
isResizable() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
isSelectable() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Returns true if and only if TypingLabel.selectable is true and TypingLabel.trackingInput is true; otherwise false.
isSkipping() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Returns whether this label is currently skipping its typing progression all the way to the end.
isSpaceCharacter(char) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
isSpaceCharacter(long) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
isUpperCase(char) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Returns true if c is an upper-case letter, or false otherwise.
isWordCharacter(char) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
isWordCharacter(long) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
isWrap() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Gets the current wrapping mode.
items - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
iterator() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Entries
iterator() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
iterator() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Keys
iterator() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Values


jade - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "jade" has RGBA8888 code 3FBF3FFF, R 0.24705882, G 0.7490196, B 0.24705882, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 0.5019608, and lightness 0.49803922.
join(CharSequence, CharSequence...) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
JoltEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Randomly selects and shakes individual characters in the text, changing their color while shaking.
JoltEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.JoltEffect
JOSTLE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for "jostle" mode, as a long.
JSON_NAMES - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
JsonFontData() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.BitmapFontSupport.JsonFontData
JsonFontData(FileHandle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.BitmapFontSupport.JsonFontData
JsonFontData(FileHandle, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.BitmapFontSupport.JsonFontData
JsonFontData(FileHandle, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.BitmapFontSupport.JsonFontData
JumpEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Makes the text jumps and falls as if there was gravity.
JumpEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.JumpEffect


keepWithinStage() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
kerning - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Unlikely to be used externally, this is one way of storing the kerning information that some fonts have.
kerningPair(char, char) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Assembles two chars into a kerning pair that can be looked up as a key in Font.kerning.
key - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Entry
key(int, Object) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
If this key is pressed, TextraDialog.result(Object) is called with the specified object.
key(int, Object) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
If this key is pressed, TypingDialog.result(Object) is called with the specified object.
keyboard - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
keyDown(InputEvent, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
keyRepeatInitialTime - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
keyRepeatTask - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
KeyRepeatTask() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.KeyRepeatTask
keyRepeatTime - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
keys() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns an iterator for the keys in the map.
Keys(CaseInsensitiveIntMap) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Keys
keys1 - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
keys2 - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
keyTable - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
keyTyped(InputEvent, char) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
keyTyped(TextraField, char) - Method in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldListener
keyUp(InputEvent, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
KINGTHINGS_FOUNDATION - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width ornate medieval font.
KINGTHINGS_PETROCK - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width legible medieval font.
KnownFonts - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Preconfigured static Font instances, with any important metric adjustments already applied.


label - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
label - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextTooltipStyle
label - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
labeledStates - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
LabelStyle() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.LabelStyle
LabelStyle(BitmapFont, Color) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.LabelStyle
LabelStyle(Label.LabelStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.LabelStyle
LabelStyle(Font, Color) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.LabelStyle
LabelStyle(Font, Color, Drawable) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.LabelStyle
LabelStyle(Styles.LabelStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.LabelStyle
LANAPIXEL - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width Unicode-heavy pixel font.
lastChangeTime - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
lastTouchedIndex - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
The global glyph index (as used by TypingLabel.setInWorkingLayout(int, long)) of the last glyph touched by the user.
lavender - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "lavender" has RGBA8888 code B991FFFF, R 0.7254902, G 0.5686275, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.72727275, saturation 0.43137252, and lightness 0.78431374.
layout - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
layout() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
layout() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
layout() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
layout() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Layout - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A replacement for libGDX's GlyphLayout, more or less; stores one or more (possibly empty) Lines of text, which can use color and style markup from Font, and can be drawn with Font.drawGlyphs(Batch, Layout, float, float, int).
Layout() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Layout(Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Layout(Layout) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
length() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Gets the length in glyphs of the working layout (what is displayed).
lerpColors(int, int, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Interpolates from the RGBA8888 int color start towards end by change.
LetterOnlyFilter() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldFilter.LetterOnlyFilter
LETTERS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
LIBERTINUS_SERIF - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width medium-weight serif font.
LIBERTINUS_SERIF_SEMIBOLD - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width heavy-weight serif font.
LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "LIGHT_GRAY" has RGBA8888 code BFBFBFFF, R 0.7490196, G 0.7490196, B 0.7490196, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.7490196.
lighten(int, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Interpolates from the int color start towards white by change.
lime - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "lime" has RGBA8888 code 93D300FF, R 0.5764706, G 0.827451, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.21721959, saturation 0.827451, and lightness 0.4137255.
LIME - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "LIME" has RGBA8888 code 32CD32FF, R 0.19607843, G 0.8039216, B 0.19607843, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 0.60784316, and lightness 0.5.
LIMITED_JSON_NAMES - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Line - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
One line of possibly-colorful, possibly-styled text, with a width and height set by Font.markup(String, Layout) on Lines in a Layout.
Line() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Line
Line(int) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Line
lines - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
lines() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
LinkEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Allows clicking the affected text to open a URL in the browser.
LinkEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.LinkEffect
LIST - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
listener - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
listStyle - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
ListStyle() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
ListStyle(BitmapFont, Color, Color, Drawable) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
ListStyle(List.ListStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
ListStyle(Font, Color, Color, Drawable) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
ListStyle(Font, Color, Color, Drawable, Drawable, Drawable, Drawable) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
ListStyle(Styles.ListStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
load(FileHandle, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.BitmapFontSupport.JsonFontData
loadFactor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
loadFNT(FileHandle, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The gritty parsing code that pulls relevant info from an AngelCode BMFont .fnt file and uses it to assemble the many Font.GlyphRegions this has for each glyph.
loadJSON(FileHandle, TextureRegion, float, float, float, float, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The bulk of the loading code for Structured JSON fonts.
loadSad(String, String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The parsing code that pulls relevant info from a SadConsole .font configuration file and uses it to assemble the many Font.GlyphRegions this has for each glyph.
loadStructuredJson(FileHandle, TextureRegion) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.BitmapFontSupport
Creates a BitmapFont by loading it from a Structured JSON Font, which is typically a .json, .dat, .ubj, .json.lzma, or .ubj.lzma file produced by FontWriter or a related tool.
loadStructuredJson(FileHandle, TextureRegion, boolean) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.BitmapFontSupport
Creates a BitmapFont by loading it from a Structured JSON Font, which is typically a .json, .dat, .ubj, .json.lzma, or .ubj.lzma file produced by FontWriter or a related tool.
loadStructuredJson(FileHandle, String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.BitmapFontSupport
Creates a BitmapFont by loading it from a Structured JSON Font, which is typically a .json, .dat, .ubj, .json.lzma, or .ubj.lzma file produced by FontWriter or a related tool.
loadStructuredJson(FileHandle, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.BitmapFontSupport
Creates a BitmapFont by loading it from a Structured JSON Font, which is typically a .json, .dat, .ubj, .json.lzma, or .ubj.lzma file produced by FontWriter or a related tool.
loadUnicodeAtlas(FileHandle, FileHandle, boolean) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
This is exactly like TextureAtlas(FileHandle, FileHandle, boolean), except it jumps through some hoops to ensure the atlas is loaded with UTF-8 encoding.
longFromDec(CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Reads in a CharSequence containing only decimal digits (only 0-9) with an optional sign at the start and returns the long they represent, reading at most 19 characters (20 if there is a sign) and returning the result if valid, or 0 if nothing could be read.
longFromHex(CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Reads in a CharSequence containing only hex digits (only 0-9, a-f, and A-F) with an optional sign at the start and returns the long they represent, reading at most 16 characters (17 if there is a sign) and returning the result if valid, or 0 if nothing could be read.
lookupInColors(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
This simply looks up key in Colors, returning 256 (fully transparent, extremely dark blue) if no Color exists by that exact name (case-sensitive), or returning the RGBA8888 value of the color otherwise.
LOWER_CASE_LETTERS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
LZBCompression - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
Compresses Strings to byte arrays using a type of LZ-compression.
LZBDecompression - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
Decompresses byte arrays to Strings using a type of LZ-compression.


magenta - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "magenta" has RGBA8888 code F500F5FF, R 0.9607843, G 0.0, B 0.9607843, A 1.0, hue 0.8333333, saturation 0.9607843, and lightness 0.48039216.
MAGENTA - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "MAGENTA" has RGBA8888 code FF00FFFF, R 1.0, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.8333333, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
make(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
mapping - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Maps char keys (stored as ints) to their corresponding Font.GlyphRegion values.
markup(String, Layout) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Reads markup from text, along with the chars to receive markup, processes it, and appends into appendTo, which is a Layout holding one or more Lines.
markupGlyph(char, String, ColorLookup) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Reads markup from markup, processes it, and applies it to the given char chr; returns a long in the format used for styled glyphs here.
markupGlyph(char, String, ColorLookup, Font.FontFamily) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Reads markup from markup, processes it, and applies it to the given char chr; returns a long in the format used for styled glyphs here.
markupGlyph(int, String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Reads markup from markup, processes it, and applies it to the given char chr; returns a long in the format used for styled glyphs here.
markupGlyph(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Reads markup from markup and processes it until it has a single complete glyph; returns that glyph as a long in the format used for styled glyphs here.
MAROON - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "MAROON" has RGBA8888 code B03060FF, R 0.6901961, G 0.1882353, B 0.3764706, A 1.0, hue 0.9375, saturation 0.5019608, and lightness 0.4392157.
mask - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
A bitmask used to confine hashcodes to the size of the table.
mauve - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "mauve" has RGBA8888 code AB73ABFF, R 0.67058825, G 0.4509804, B 0.67058825, A 1.0, hue 0.8333334, saturation 0.21960786, and lightness 0.56078434.
MAX_SPEED_MODIFIER - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
Maximum value for the SPEED token.
maxLength - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
maxLines - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
measureWidth(Line) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Measures the actual width that the given Line will use when drawn.
MeetEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Moves the text from random starting points, easing glyphs into their final positions.
MeetEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.MeetEffect
messageFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
messageText - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
MIDSCRIPT - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for midscript mode, as a long.
MIN_SPEED_MODIFIER - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
Minimum value for the SPEED token.
mint - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "mint" has RGBA8888 code 7FFFD4FF, R 0.49803922, G 1.0, B 0.83137256, A 1.0, hue 0.44401044, saturation 0.50196075, and lightness 0.7490196.
mix(int[], int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Given several colors, this gets an even mix of all colors in equal measure.
moss - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "moss" has RGBA8888 code 204608FF, R 0.1254902, G 0.27450982, B 0.03137255, A 1.0, hue 0.26881722, saturation 0.24313727, and lightness 0.15294118.
moveCursor(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
MSDF - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.DistanceFieldType
Used by Multi-channel Signed Distance Field fonts, which are typically created by fontwriter or msdf-atlas-gen and can sometimes be more crisp than SDF fonts MSDF produces hard corners where the corners were hard in the original font.
MSDF_NAMES - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
msdfFragmentShader - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Fragment shader source meant for MSDF fonts.
multiplyAllAlpha(int[][], float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Given any purely-non-null 2D int array representing RGBA or HSLA colors, this multiplies the alpha channel of each color by multiplier, modifying the given array, and returns the changed array for chaining.
multiplyAlpha(float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Given a packed ABGR float color, this multiplies the alpha of that color by multiplier and returns another float color of the same format passed in.
multiplyAlpha(int, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Given an RGBA8888 or HSLA color as an int, this multiplies the alpha of that color by multiplier and returns another int color of the same format passed in.
multiplyCrispness(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Takes the "crispness" multiplier for distance field fonts (SDF and MSDF) and multiplies it by another multiplier.


name - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
A unique identifier to be used by the start token for this Effect.
name - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The name of the Font, for display purposes.
NAMED - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
nameLookup - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Optional; maps the names of TextureRegions to the indices they use in Font.mapping, and usually assigned by Font.addAtlas(TextureAtlas).
namePart - Variable in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.DistanceFieldType
The part of the typical name of a Font that says what distance field that Font has, if any.
NAMES - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
All names for colors in this palette, in alphabetical order.
namesByCharCode - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Optional; a reversed form of Font.nameLookup that allows you to get the printable name for a given char code.
navy - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "navy" has RGBA8888 code 000080FF, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.5019608, A 1.0, hue 0.6666667, saturation 0.5019608, and lightness 0.2509804.
NAVY - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "NAVY" has RGBA8888 code 00007FFF, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.6666667, saturation 0.49803922, and lightness 0.24901961.
newImage() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
newImage() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
newImage() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
newLabel(String, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
newLabel(String, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTypingButton
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingButton
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingSelectBox
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
newLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTypingButton
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingButton
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
newLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
NEWLINE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
newList() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox.SelectBoxScrollPane
Allows a subclass to customize the select box list.
newScrollPane() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Allows a subclass to customize the scroll pane shown when the select box is open.
newSkin(TextureAtlas) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.FWSkinLoader
Override to allow subclasses of Skin to be loaded or the skin instance to be configured.
newTypingLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
newTypingLabel(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
newTypingLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
newTypingLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
next() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Entries
Note the same entry instance is returned each time this method is called.
next() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Keys
next() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Values
next(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Sets the keyboard focus to the next TextraField.
noise1D(float, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.NoiseUtils
Quilez' 1D noise, with some changes to work on the CPU.
NoiseUtils - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
Some 1D noise methods to be used when an effect needs smooth but random changes.
NoiseUtils() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.NoiseUtils
NOTE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for note mode, shown as a blue wavy-underline, as a long.
notEmpty() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns true if the map has one or more items.
NOW_ALT - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width geometric font.


OBLIQUE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for oblique mode, as a long.
obliqueStrength - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
A multiplier that applies to the horizontal movement associated with oblique text (which is similar to italic).
OceanEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Tints the text in an irregular, flowing color pattern that defaults to using sea green through deep blue, but can be changed to other colors.
OceanEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.OceanEffect
octaveNoise1D(float, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.NoiseUtils
Just gets two octaves of NoiseUtils.noise1D(float, int); still has a range of -1 to 1.
offset(int, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Gets an "offset color" for the original color where high red, green, or blue channels become low values in that same channel, and vice versa, then blends the original with that offset, using more of the offset if power is higher (closer to 1.0f).
offsetLightness(int, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Gets an "offset color" for the original color, lightening it if it is perceptually dark (under 40% luma by a simplistic measurement) or darkening it if it is perceptually light.
offsets - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Contains two floats per glyph; even items are x offsets, odd items are y offsets.
offsetX - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.GlyphRegion
The offset from the left of the original image to the left of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
offsetY - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.GlyphRegion
The offset from the bottom of the original image to the bottom of the packed image, after whitespace was removed for packing.
olive - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "olive" has RGBA8888 code 818000FF, R 0.5058824, G 0.5019608, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.16537468, saturation 0.5058824, and lightness 0.2529412.
OLIVE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "OLIVE" has RGBA8888 code 6B8E23FF, R 0.41960785, G 0.5568628, B 0.13725491, A 1.0, hue 0.22118384, saturation 0.41960788, and lightness 0.34705883.
omitCurlyBraces - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
If true (the default), any text inside matching curly braces, plus the curly braces themselves, will be ignored during rendering and not displayed.
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
Called when this effect should be applied to the given glyph.
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.AttentionEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.BlinkEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.CannonEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.CarouselEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.CrowdEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.EaseEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.EmergeEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.FadeEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.GradientEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.HangEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.HeartbeatEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.HighlightEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.InstantEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.JoltEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.JumpEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.LinkEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.MeetEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.OceanEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.RainbowEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.RotateEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.ScaleEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.ShakeEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.ShrinkEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SickEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SlamEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SlideEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SpinEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SpiralEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SputterEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SquashEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.StylistEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.TriggerEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.WaveEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.WindEffect
onApply(long, int, int, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.ZipperEffect
onChar(long) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingAdapter
onChar(long) - Method in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingListener
Called when a new character is displayed.
onHide(Actor) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
onlyFontChars - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
onShow(Actor, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
OPEN_SANS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width sans font.
orange - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "orange" has RGBA8888 code FF7F00FF, R 1.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.08300654, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
ORANGE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "ORANGE" has RGBA8888 code FFA500FF, R 1.0, G 0.64705884, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.10784314, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
originalCellHeight - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Refers to the largest height of any glyph in the font, before any scaling.
originalCellWidth - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Only actually refers to a "cell" when Font.isMono is true; otherwise refers to the largest width of any glyph in the font, before any scaling.
OSTRICH_BLACK - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width all-caps geometric sans font.
outlineStrength - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
A multiplier that applies to the distance the "blacken" and "whiten" outlines will stretch away from the original glyph edge.
over - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
overFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
overFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
overIndex - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
overIndex - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
The global glyph index (as used by TypingLabel.setInWorkingLayout(int, long)) of the last glyph hovered or dragged over by the user (including a click and mouse movement without a click).
OVERLOCK - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width "flowy" sans font.
OVERLOCK_UN_ITALIC - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width "especially flowy" sans font.
OXANIUM - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width "sci-fi" display font.


PACKED_BLACK - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The color black, as a packed float using the default RGBA color space.
PACKED_ERROR_COLOR - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The color to use for Font.ERROR's underline, as a packed float using the default RGBA color space.
PACKED_NOTE_COLOR - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The color to use for Font.NOTE's underline, as a packed float using the default RGBA color space.
PACKED_SHADOW_COLOR - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The color to use for Font.DROP_SHADOW, as a packed float using the default RGBA color space.
PACKED_WARN_COLOR - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The color to use for Font.WARN's underline, as a packed float using the default RGBA color space.
PACKED_WHITE - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The color white, as a packed float using the default RGBA color space.
Palette - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
Combines 50 colors chosen to be generally distinct with the 34 colors libGDX defines in Colors.
paramAsBoolean(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
Returns a boolean value parsed from the given String, or the default value if the string couldn't be parsed.
paramAsColor(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
Parses a color from the given string.
paramAsFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
Returns a float value parsed from the given String, or the default value if the string couldn't be parsed.
parents - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The larger TextureRegions that Font.GlyphRegion images are pulled from; these could be whole Textures or be drawn from a TextureAtlas that the font shares with other images.
Parser - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Utility class to parse tokens from a TypingLabel; not intended for external use in most situations.
Parser() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Parser
parseTokens() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Parses all tokens of this label.
parseTokens(TypingLabel) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Parser
Parses all tokens from the given TypingLabel.
passwordCharacter - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
passwordMode - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
paste(String, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
path - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.BitmapFontSupport.JsonFontData
pause() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
pause() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Pauses this label's character progression.
pauseDistanceFieldShader(Batch) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
If a distance field font needs to have its distance field effect disabled temporarily (such as to draw an icon or emoji), you can call this just before you start drawing the non-distance-field images.
peach - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "peach" has RGBA8888 code FFBF81FF, R 1.0, G 0.7490196, B 0.5058824, A 1.0, hue 0.08201058, saturation 0.49411762, and lightness 0.7529412.
pear - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "pear" has RGBA8888 code D3E330FF, R 0.827451, G 0.8901961, B 0.1882353, A 1.0, hue 0.18156426, saturation 0.7019608, and lightness 0.5392157.
peekLine() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
pink - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "pink" has RGBA8888 code FFA0E0FF, R 1.0, G 0.627451, B 0.8784314, A 1.0, hue 0.8877193, saturation 0.372549, and lightness 0.8137255.
PINK - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "PINK" has RGBA8888 code FF69B4FF, R 1.0, G 0.4117647, B 0.7058824, A 1.0, hue 0.9166666, saturation 0.58823526, and lightness 0.7058824.
place(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns an index >= 0 and <= CaseInsensitiveIntMap.mask for the specified item.
plum - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "plum" has RGBA8888 code BE0DC6FF, R 0.74509805, G 0.050980393, B 0.7764706, A 1.0, hue 0.82612616, saturation 0.7254902, and lightness 0.4137255.
positionChanged() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
prefSizeInvalid - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
preprocess(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Parser
Replaces any style markup using square brackets, such as [_] for underline, with the syntax {STYLE=_} (changing _ based on what was in the square brackets).
pressedIndex - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
produce(TypingLabel, String[]) - Method in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect.EffectBuilder
programmaticChangeEvents - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
purple - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "purple" has RGBA8888 code C000FFFF, R 0.7529412, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.7921569, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
PURPLE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "PURPLE" has RGBA8888 code A020F0FF, R 0.627451, G 0.1254902, B 0.9411765, A 1.0, hue 0.7692308, saturation 0.8156863, and lightness 0.53333336.
pushLine() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
put(String, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
put(String, int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns the old value associated with the specified key, or the specified default value.
putAll(CaseInsensitiveIntMap) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
putAll(String[], int[]) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Puts keys with values in sequential pairs from the two arrays given, until either array is exhausted.


QUANPIXEL - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a tiny variable-width Unicode-heavy pixel font.


RainbowEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Tints the text in a rainbow pattern.
RainbowEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.RainbowEffect
raspberry - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "raspberry" has RGBA8888 code 911437FF, R 0.5686275, G 0.078431375, B 0.21568628, A 1.0, hue 0.9533333, saturation 0.4901961, and lightness 0.32352945.
red - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "red" has RGBA8888 code FF0000FF, R 1.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
RED - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "RED" has RGBA8888 code FF0000FF, R 1.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
regenerateLayout(Layout) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
When the targetWidth of a Layout changes, you can use this to cause the text to be placed according to the new width, and wrap if needed.
registerEffect(String, Effect.EffectBuilder) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
Registers a new effect to TypingLabel.
remove() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Keys
remove(String, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns the value for the removed key, or the default value if the key is not in the map.
removeStoredState(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Removes the formatting state with the given name if it is present, or does nothing if the name is not present.
removeVariable(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Removes a variable and its respective replacement value from this label's variable map.
renderOffset - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
replaceVariable(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingAdapter
replaceVariable(String) - Method in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingListener
Called when variable tokens are replaced in text.
reset() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Resets the object for reuse.
reset() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Line
Resets the object for reuse.
reset() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Keys
RESET - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
resizeDistanceField(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Important; must be called in ApplicationListener.resize(int, int) on each SDF, MSDF, or SDF_OUTLINE font you have currently rendering! This allows the distance field to appear as correct and crisp-outlined as it should be; without this, the distance field will probably not look very sharp at all.
resizeDistanceField(float, float, Viewport) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Important; must be called in ApplicationListener.resize(int, int) on each SDF, MSDF, or SDF_OUTLINE font you have currently rendering! This allows the distance field to appear as correct and crisp-outlined as it should be; without this, the distance field will probably not look very sharp at all.
resizeDistanceFields(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Calls Font.resizeDistanceField(float, float) on each Font in this FontFamily.
resizeDistanceFields(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.FWSkin
Calls Font.resizeDistanceField(float, float) with the given width and height on every Font loaded by this skin.
resizeDistanceFields(float, float, Viewport) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.FontFamily
Calls Font.resizeDistanceField(float, float, Viewport) on each Font in this FontFamily.
resizeDistanceFields(float, float, Viewport) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.FWSkin
Calls Font.resizeDistanceField(float, float, Viewport) with the given width and height on every Font loaded by this skin.
restart() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Restarts this label with the original text and starts the char progression right away.
restart(CharSequence) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Restarts this label with the given text and starts the char progression right away.
restoreOriginalText() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Restores the original text with all tokens unchanged to this label.
result(Object) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Called when a button is clicked.
result(Object) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Called when a button is clicked.
resume() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
resume() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Resumes this label's character progression.
resumeDistanceFieldShader(Batch) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
If a distance field font needs to be drawn with a different size, different crispness, or a different Texture altogether (such as to draw an icon or emoji), you can call this just before you start drawing distance field text with this Font.
rgb2hsb(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Converts the four RGBA components, each in the 0.0 to 1.0 range, to an int in HSBA/HSVA format (hue, saturation, brightness/value, alpha).
rgb2hsl(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Converts the four RGBA components, each in the 0.0 to 1.0 range, to an int in HSLA format (hue, saturation, lightness, alpha).
ROBOTO_CONDENSED - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width narrow sans font.
rose - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "rose" has RGBA8888 code E61E78FF, R 0.9019608, G 0.11764706, B 0.47058824, A 1.0, hue 0.925, saturation 0.78431374, and lightness 0.5098039.
RotateEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Permanently rotates text in-place for each cell.
RotateEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.RotateEffect
rotations - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Contains one float per glyph; each is a rotation in degrees to apply to that glyph (around its center).
ROYAL - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "ROYAL" has RGBA8888 code 4169E1FF, R 0.25490198, G 0.4117647, B 0.88235295, A 1.0, hue 0.625, saturation 0.62745094, and lightness 0.5686275.
run() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.KeyRepeatTask


SAD_NAMES - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
safeSubstring(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Like String.substring(int, int) but returns "" instead of throwing any sort of Exception.
saffron - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "saffron" has RGBA8888 code FFD510FF, R 1.0, G 0.8352941, B 0.0627451, A 1.0, hue 0.13737796, saturation 0.9372549, and lightness 0.53137255.
sage - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "sage" has RGBA8888 code ABE3C5FF, R 0.67058825, G 0.8901961, B 0.77254903, A 1.0, hue 0.4107143, saturation 0.21960783, and lightness 0.78039217.
salmon - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "salmon" has RGBA8888 code FF6262FF, R 1.0, G 0.38431373, B 0.38431373, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.6156863, and lightness 0.69215685.
SALMON - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "SALMON" has RGBA8888 code FA8072FF, R 0.98039216, G 0.5019608, B 0.44705883, A 1.0, hue 0.017156873, saturation 0.5333333, and lightness 0.7137255.
saveOriginalText(CharSequence) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Copies the content of TypingLabel.getOriginalText() to the StringBuilder containing the original text with all tokens unchanged.
scale(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Scales the font by the given multiplier, applying it both horizontally and vertically.
scale(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Scales the font by the given horizontal and vertical multipliers.
ScaleEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Permanently sets the size of text.
ScaleEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.ScaleEffect
scaleHeightTo(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Scales the font so that it will have the given height, keeping the current aspect ratio.
scaleTo(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Scales the font so that it will have the given width and height.
scaleX - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Scale multiplier for width.
scaleY - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Scale multiplier for height.
SCARLET - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "SCARLET" has RGBA8888 code FF341CFF, R 1.0, G 0.20392157, B 0.10980392, A 1.0, hue 0.017621147, saturation 0.8901961, and lightness 0.55490196.
scheduleKeyRepeatTask(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
scrollStyle - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
SDF - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.DistanceFieldType
Used by Signed Distance Field fonts that are compatible with DistanceFieldFont, and may be created by Hiero with its Distance Field effect, fontwriter or the tool it uses and builds upon, msdf-atlas-gen.
SDF_NAMES - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
SDF_OUTLINE - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.DistanceFieldType
Very similar to Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF, except that this draws a moderately-thick black outline around all SDF glyphs.
sdfBlackOutlineFragmentShader - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
A modified version of the fragment shader for SDF fonts from DistanceFieldFont, this draws a moderately thick black outline around each glyph, with the outline respecting the transparency of the glyph (unlike Font.BLACK_OUTLINE mode).
sdfFragmentShader - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
A modified version of the fragment shader for SDF fonts from DistanceFieldFont, now supporting RGB colors other than white (but with limited support for partial transparency).
SELAWIK - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width sans-serif font.
SELAWIK_BOLD - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width bold sans-serif font.
selectable - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
If true, this label will allow clicking and dragging to select a range of text, if TypingLabel.trackingInput is also true.
selectAll() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
SelectBoxScrollPane(TextraSelectBox) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox.SelectBoxScrollPane
SelectBoxStyle() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
SelectBoxStyle(BitmapFont, Color, Drawable, ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle, List.ListStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
SelectBoxStyle(SelectBox.SelectBoxStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
SelectBoxStyle(Font, Color, Drawable, ScrollPane.ScrollPaneStyle, Styles.ListStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
SelectBoxStyle(Styles.SelectBoxStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.SelectBoxStyle
selection - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.ListStyle
selection - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
selectionDrawable - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
selectionEnd - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
The inclusive end index for the selected text, if there is a selection.
selectionStart - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
The inclusive start index for the selected text, if there is a selection.
setAlignment(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Sets text horizontal alignment (left, center or right).
setAlignment(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Sets the alignment for the text in this TextraLabel.
setAlignment(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
Sets the horizontal alignment of the list items.
setAlignment(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Sets the alignment of the selected item in the select box.
setAssetPrefix(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Changes the String prepended to each filename this looks up.
setBaseColor(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Sets the base color of the Layout; this is what font color will be used immediately after resetting formatting with [], as well as the initial color used by text that hasn't been formatted.
setBaseColor(Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Sets the base color of the Layout; this is what font color will be used immediately after resetting formatting with [], as well as the initial color used by text that hasn't been formatted.
setBlinkTime(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setBoldStrength(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
setBoxDrawingBreadth(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
When makeGridGlyphs is passed as true to a constructor here, box drawing and other block elements will be drawn using a solid block GlyphRegion that is stretched and moved to form various lines and blocks.
setClipboard(Clipboard) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setColorLookup(ColorLookup) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Unlikely to be used in most games (meant more for other libraries), this allows changing how colors are looked up by name (or built) given a ColorLookup interface implementation.
setCrispness(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Sets the "crispness" multiplier for distance field fonts (SDF and MSDF).
setCullingArea(Rectangle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
setCursorBlinking(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setCursorPosition(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
setCursorPosition(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Sets the cursor position and clears any selection.
setDefaultToken(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Sets the default token being used in this label.
setDescent(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
setDistanceField(Font.DistanceFieldType) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Sets this Font's distance field type; this should be Font.DistanceFieldType.STANDARD for most fonts (meaning it is a normal bitmap font with no distance field effect), but specially-made fonts can use Font.DistanceFieldType.SDF or Font.DistanceFieldType.MSDF to get smoother scaling and/or sharper edges.
setEllipsis(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Sets the ellipsis text, which replaces the last few glyphs if non-null and the text added would exceed the Layout.getMaxLines() of this Layout.
setEllipsis(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Sets the ellipsis text, which replaces the last few glyphs if non-null and the text added would exceed the TextraLabel.getMaxLines() of this label's layout.
setEllipsis(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Sets the ellipsis text, which replaces the last few glyphs if non-null and the text added would exceed the TypingLabel.getMaxLines() of this label's working layout.
setFamily(Font.FontFamily) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Sets the FontFamily this can use to switch fonts using [@Name] syntax.
setFancyLinePosition(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Sets both the "fancy line" metric adjustments for position, only changing Font.fancyX and Font.fancyY.
setFocusTraversal(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
If true (the default), tab/shift+tab will move to the next text field.
setFont(Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
One of the ways to set the font on a Layout; this is a traditional setter.
setFont(Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Sets the font to the specified Font and then regenerates the layout using Font.regenerateLayout(Layout).
setFont(Font, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Just like TextraLabel.setFont(Font), except this only regenerates the layout if regenerate is true.
setHeight(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
setInLayout(Layout, int, long) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
setInlineImageMetrics(float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Sets the adjustments added to the metric for inline images added with Font.addAtlas(TextureAtlas) (or its overloads).
setInlineImageMetrics(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Sets the adjustments added to the metric for inline images added with Font.addAtlas(TextureAtlas) (or its overloads).
setInlineImageStretch(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
setIntermediateText(CharSequence, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
setInWorkingLayout(int, long) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
setItems(Array<? extends TextraLabel>) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Sets the items visible in the select box.
setItems(Array<? extends T>) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
Sets the items visible in the list, clearing the selection if it is no longer valid.
setItems(TextraLabel...) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Set the backing Array that makes up the choices available in the SelectBox.
setItems(T...) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
setItemTexts(String...) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Sets the choices available in the SelectBox using an array or varargs of markup Strings.
setKeepWithinStage(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
setLabel(TextraLabel) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
setLineMetrics(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Sets both the underline and strikethrough metric adjustments with the same values, as if you called both Font.setUnderlineMetrics(float, float, float, float) and Font.setStrikethroughMetrics(float, float, float, float) with identical parameters.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setMaxLines(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Sets the maximum number of Lines this Layout can contain; this is always at least 1.
setMaxLines(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Sets the maximum number of Lines this Layout can display; this is always at least 1.
setMaxLines(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Sets the maximum number of Lines this Layout can display; this is always at least 1.
setMaxListCount(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Set the max number of items to display when the select box is opened.
setMessageText(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Sets the text that will be drawn in the text field if no text has been entered.
setModal(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
setMovable(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
setName(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
setObject(Actor, Object) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
setObject(Actor, Object) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
setObliqueStrength(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
setOnlyFontChars(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
When false, text set by TextraField.setText(String) may contain characters not in the font, a space will be displayed instead.
setOnscreenKeyboard(TextraField.OnscreenKeyboard) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setOutlineStrength(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
setParent(Group) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setParent(Group) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Called by the framework when an actor is added to or removed from a group.
setPasswordCharacter(char) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Sets the password character for the text field.
setPasswordMode(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
If true, the text in this text field will be shown as bullet characters.
setProgrammaticChangeEvents(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
If false, methods that change the text will not fire ChangeListener.ChangeEvent, the event will be fired only when the user changes the text.
setRegion(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
setRegion(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
setRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
setRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
setRegion(TextureRegion) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
setRegion(TextureRegion) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
setRegion(TextureRegion, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
setRegion(TextureRegion, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
setRegion(Texture) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
setRegion(Texture) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
setRegionHeight(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
setRegionHeight(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
setRegionWidth(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
setRegionWidth(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
setRegionX(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
setRegionX(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
setRegionY(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
setRegionY(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
setResizable(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
setResizeBorder(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
setScrollingDisabled(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Disables scrolling of the list shown when the select box is open.
setSelectable(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
If given true, this makes the text of this label TypingLabel.selectable and ensures TypingLabel.trackingInput is true.
setSelected(TextraLabel) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Sets the selection to only the passed item, if it is a possible choice, else selects the first item.
setSelected(T) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
Sets the selection to only the passed item, if it is a possible choice.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
Sets the selection to only the selected index.
setSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
Sets the selection to only the selected index.
setSelectedPrefWidth(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
When true the pref width is based on the selected item.
setSelection(int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Sets the selected text.
setSelection(ArraySelection<T>) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
setSharing(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Configures whether some data structures should be shared when this Font is copied via Font(Font).
setSize(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
setSize(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
setStage(Stage) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
setStage(Stage) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setStage(Stage) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Called by the framework when this actor or any ascendant is added to a group that is in the stage.
setStage(Stage) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox.SelectBoxScrollPane
setStage(Stage) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
setStage(Stage) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
setStrikethroughMetrics(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
setStrikethroughPosition(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
setStyle(Button.ButtonStyle, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
setStyle(Styles.ListStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
setStyle(Styles.SelectBoxStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
setStyle(Styles.TextFieldStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setStyle(Styles.TextTooltipStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
setStyle(Styles.TextTooltipStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
setStyle(Styles.TextTooltipStyle, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
setStyle(Styles.TextTooltipStyle, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
setStyle(Styles.WindowStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
setStyle(Styles.WindowStyle, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
setStyle(Styles.WindowStyle, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
setSuperHeight(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
This only exists so code that needs to use Actor.setHeight(float) still can, even with setHeight() implemented here.
setSuperWidth(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
This only exists so code that needs to use Actor.setWidth(float) still can, even with setWidth() implemented here.
setTargetWidth(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
setText(CharSequence) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
setText(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
setText(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setText(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Changes the text in this TextraLabel to the given String, parsing any markup in it.
setText(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Modifies the text of this label.
setText(String, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Sets the text of this label.
setText(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Sets the text of this label.
setTextFieldFilter(TextraField.TextFieldFilter) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setTextFieldListener(TextraField.TextFieldListener) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
setTextraLabel(TextraLabel) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
setTextSpeed(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
setTextureFilter() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Calls Font.setTextureFilter(Texture.TextureFilter, Texture.TextureFilter) with Texture.TextureFilter.Linear for both min and mag filters.
setTextureFilter(Texture.TextureFilter, Texture.TextureFilter) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Sets the texture filters on each Texture that holds a TextureRegion used by the font to the given minFilter and magFilter.
setTypeToSelect(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
setTypingListener(TypingListener) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Sets the TypingListener associated with this label, or null to remove the current one.
setUnderlineMetrics(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
setUnderlinePosition(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
setVariable(String, String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Registers a variable and its respective replacement value to this label.
setVariables(ObjectMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Registers a set of variables and their respective replacement values to this label.
setVariables(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Registers a set of variables and their respective replacement values to this label.
setWidth(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Sets the wrapping mode; if this changes the mode, then this invalidates the hierarchy.
shader - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The ShaderProgram used to render this font, as used by Font.enableShader(Batch).
ShakeEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Shakes the text in a random pattern.
ShakeEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.ShakeEffect
sharing - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Determines whether this Font can share the same reference for its data structure members (if true), or if copies should be made when using Font(Font) (if false).
shift - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Used by to bit shift the upper bits of a long into a usable range (>= 0 and <= CaseInsensitiveIntMap.mask).
SHINY - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for shiny mode, as a long.
show(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.DefaultOnscreenKeyboard
show(boolean) - Method in interface com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.OnscreenKeyboard
show(Stage) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Centers the dialog in the stage and calls, Action) with a Actions.fadeIn(float, Interpolation) action.
show(Stage) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox.SelectBoxScrollPane
show(Stage) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Centers the dialog in the stage and calls, Action) with a Actions.fadeIn(float, Interpolation) action.
show(Stage, Action) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Packs the dialog (but doesn't set the position), adds it to the stage, sets it as the keyboard and scroll focus, clears any actions on the dialog, and adds the specified action to it.
show(Stage, Action) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Packs the dialog (but doesn't set the position), adds it to the stage, sets it as the keyboard and scroll focus, clears any actions on the dialog, and adds the specified action to it.
showingMessage - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
showList() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
showScrollPane() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
shrink(int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Reduces the size of the backing arrays to be the specified capacity / loadFactor, or less.
ShrinkEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Starts the text large and shrinks into the final position/size.
ShrinkEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.ShrinkEffect
shuffleWords(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Shuffles the words in text using MathUtils.random, joins them with a space as the delimiter, and returns that String.
shuffleWords(String, Random) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Shuffles the words in text using the given Random generator, joins them with a space as the delimiter, and returns that String.
SickEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Drips the text down and back up from its normal position in a random pattern.
SickEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SickEffect
silver - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "silver" has RGBA8888 code B6B6B6FF, R 0.7137255, G 0.7137255, B 0.7137255, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.7137255.
size - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
size(float, float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Line
sizeChanged() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraArea
sizeChanged() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
sizing - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Contains two floats per glyph, as size multipliers; even items apply to x, odd items apply to y.
SKIP - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
skipToTheEnd() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
Does nothing unless the label used here is a TypingLabel; then, this will skip text progression ahead.
skipToTheEnd() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
Does nothing unless the label used here is a TypingLabel; then, this will skip text progression ahead.
skipToTheEnd() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
By default, does nothing; this is overridden in TypingLabel to skip its text progression ahead.
skipToTheEnd() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
Does nothing unless the label used here is a TypingLabel; then, this will skip text progression ahead.
skipToTheEnd() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
Does nothing unless the titleLabel used here is a TypingLabel; then, this will skip text progression ahead.
skipToTheEnd() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Skips the char progression to the end, showing the entire label.
skipToTheEnd(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Skips the char progression to the end, showing the entire label.
skipToTheEnd(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Skips the char progression to the end, showing the entire label.
sky - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "sky" has RGBA8888 code 10C0E0FF, R 0.0627451, G 0.7529412, B 0.8784314, A 1.0, hue 0.5256411, saturation 0.8156863, and lightness 0.47058824.
SKY - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "SKY" has RGBA8888 code 87CEEBFF, R 0.5294118, G 0.80784315, B 0.92156863, A 1.0, hue 0.54833335, saturation 0.39215684, and lightness 0.7254902.
SlamEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Starts the text with a y-offset, holds there for a short time, drops quickly into the final position/size, and may optionally shake after dropping in.
SlamEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SlamEffect
SLATE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "SLATE" has RGBA8888 code 708090FF, R 0.4392157, G 0.5019608, B 0.5647059, A 1.0, hue 0.5833333, saturation 0.12549022, and lightness 0.5019608.
SlideEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Moves the text horizontally easing it into the final position.
SlideEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SlideEffect
SMALL_CAPS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for small caps mode, as a long.
solidBlock - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
A char that will be used to draw solid blocks with Font.drawBlocks(Batch, int[][], float, float), and to draw box-drawing/block-element characters if makeGridGlyphs is true in the constructor.
SPACE_CHARS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
speed - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SickEffect
SPEED - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
SpinEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Rotates each glyph quickly and slows down as it approaches some count of rotations.
SpinEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SpinEffect
SpiralEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Moves the text in a round spiral from outwards-in, easing it into the final position.
SpiralEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SpiralEffect
SputterEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Scales each glyph randomly, with each one scaled independently.
SputterEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SputterEffect
SquashEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Shrinks the text vertically toward the baseline while stretching a little outward horizontally, then returns to normal.
SquashEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.SquashEffect
stageBackground - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.WindowStyle
STANDARD - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.DistanceFieldType
Used by normal fonts with no distance field effect.
STANDARD_NAMES - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
storedStates - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
storedText - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
storeState(String, long) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Evaluates markup to get a formatting state and stores it for later usage with "[ name]" syntax and the given name.
storeState(String, String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Evaluates markup to get a formatting state and stores it for later usage with "[ name]" syntax and the given name.
strikeBreadth - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Precise adjustment for the strikethrough's y-size, affecting how thick the strikethrough is from bottom to top.
strikeLength - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Precise adjustment for the strikethrough's x-size, affecting the extra strikethrough drawn to the right of the strikethrough.
STRIKETHROUGH - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for strikethrough mode, as a long.
strikeX - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Precise adjustment for the strikethrough's x-position, affecting the left side of the strikethrough.
strikeY - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Precise adjustment for the strikethrough's y-position, affecting the bottom side of the strikethrough.
stringToBoolean(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Parser
Returns a boolean value parsed from the given String, or the default value if the string couldn't be parsed.
stringToColor(TypingLabel, String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Parser
Parses a color from the given string.
stringToColorMarkup(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Parser
Encloses the given string in brackets to work as a regular color markup tag.
stringToFloat(String, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Parser
Returns a float value parsed from the given String, or the default value if the string couldn't be parsed.
stringToStyleMarkup(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Parser
Matches style names to syntax and encloses the given string in brackets to work as a style markup tag.
StringUtils - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils
style - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
style - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
style - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
Styles - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
An outer class that holds all styles for TextraTypist widgets.
Styles.CheckBoxStyle - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
The style for a select box, see TextraCheckBox or TypingCheckBox.
Styles.ImageTextButtonStyle - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
The style for an image text button, see ImageTextraButton.
Styles.LabelStyle - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
The style for a TextraLabel or TypingLabel.
Styles.ListStyle - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
The style for a ListBox, see TextraListBox.
Styles.SelectBoxStyle - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
The style for a select box, see TextraSelectBox.
Styles.TextButtonStyle - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
The style for a text button, see TextraButton or TypingButton.
Styles.TextFieldStyle - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
The style for a text field, see TextraField.
Styles.TextTooltipStyle - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
The style for a text tooltip, see TextraTooltip or TypingTooltip.
Styles.WindowStyle - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
The style for a window, see TextraWindow or TypingWindow.
StylistEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Enables style properties for the single glyph (or affected text, if all is true) underneath the pointer/mouse, and disables them when not underneath.
StylistEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.StylistEffect
SUBSCRIPT - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for subscript mode, as a long.
substring(int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Gets a String from the layout of this label, made of only the char portions of the glyphs from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive).
substring(int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Gets a String from the working layout of this label, made of only the char portions of the glyphs from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive).
SUPERSCRIPT - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Two-bit flag for superscript mode, as a long.


TAB - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
tableSize(int, float) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Used to establish the size of a hash table.
tan - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "tan" has RGBA8888 code D2B48CFF, R 0.8235294, G 0.7058824, B 0.54901963, A 1.0, hue 0.0952381, saturation 0.2745098, and lightness 0.6862745.
TAN - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "TAN" has RGBA8888 code D2B48CFF, R 0.8235294, G 0.7058824, B 0.54901963, A 1.0, hue 0.0952381, saturation 0.2745098, and lightness 0.6862745.
TANGERINE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width formal script font.
targetWidth - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
teal - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "teal" has RGBA8888 code 007F7FFF, R 0.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 0.49803922, and lightness 0.24901961.
TEAL - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "TEAL" has RGBA8888 code 007F7FFF, R 0.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 0.49803922, and lightness 0.24901961.
tempLayout - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
text - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
text(TextraLabel) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds the given TextraLabel to the content table.
text(TextraLabel) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds the given TextraLabel to the content table.
text(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds a TextraLabel to the content table.
text(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds a TextraLabel to the content table.
text(String, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds a TextraLabel to the content table.
text(String, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds a TextraLabel to the content table.
text(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds a TextraLabel to the content table.
text(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds a TextraLabel to the content table.
text(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds a TextraLabel to the content table.
text(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds a TextraLabel to the content table.
TextButtonStyle() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
TextButtonStyle(TextButton.TextButtonStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
TextButtonStyle(Drawable, Drawable, Drawable, BitmapFont) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
TextButtonStyle(Drawable, Drawable, Drawable, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
TextButtonStyle(Styles.TextButtonStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextButtonStyle
TextFieldClickListener() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
TextFieldStyle() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
TextFieldStyle(BitmapFont, Color, Drawable, Drawable, Drawable) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
TextFieldStyle(TextField.TextFieldStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
TextFieldStyle(Font, Color, Drawable, Drawable, Drawable) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
TextFieldStyle(Styles.TextFieldStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextFieldStyle
textHAlign - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
textOffset - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
TextraArea - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A multiple-line TextraField; not ready for production yet.
TextraArea(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraArea
TextraArea(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraArea
TextraArea(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraArea
TextraArea(String, Styles.TextFieldStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraArea
TextraArea(String, Styles.TextFieldStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraArea
TextraButton - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A button with a child TextraLabel to display text.
TextraButton(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
TextraButton(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
TextraButton(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
TextraButton(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
TextraButton(String, Styles.TextButtonStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
TextraButton(String, Styles.TextButtonStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
TextraCheckBox - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A checkbox is a button that contains an image indicating the checked or unchecked state and a TextraLabel.
TextraCheckBox(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
TextraCheckBox(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
TextraCheckBox(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
TextraCheckBox(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
TextraCheckBox(String, Styles.CheckBoxStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
TextraCheckBox(String, Styles.CheckBoxStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraCheckBox
TextraDialog - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Displays a dialog, which is a window with a title, a content table, and a button table.
TextraDialog(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
TextraDialog(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
TextraDialog(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
TextraDialog(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
TextraDialog(String, Styles.WindowStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
TextraDialog(String, Styles.WindowStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
TextraField - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A single-line text input field.
TextraField() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
Only meant for subclasses; requires everything used in TextraField to be initialized by the subclass.
TextraField(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
TextraField(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
TextraField(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
TextraField(String, Styles.TextFieldStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
TextraField(String, Styles.TextFieldStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
TextraField.DefaultOnscreenKeyboard - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
The default TextraField.OnscreenKeyboard used by all TextraField instances.
TextraField.KeyRepeatTask - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
TextraField.OnscreenKeyboard - Interface in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
An interface for onscreen keyboards.
TextraField.TextFieldClickListener - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Basic input listener for the TextraField
TextraField.TextFieldFilter - Interface in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Interface for filtering characters entered into the text field.
TextraField.TextFieldFilter.DigitsOnlyFilter - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
This filter only accepts the chars '0' through '9'.
TextraField.TextFieldFilter.LetterOnlyFilter - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
This filter only accepts what Unicode considers "letter characters."
TextraField.TextFieldFilter.WordOnlyFilter - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
This filter only accepts what Unicode considers "word characters" -- all letters, all numbers, and the underscore (as well as all underscore-like punctuation, like its variant for vertical text).
TextraField.TextFieldListener - Interface in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Interface for listening to typed characters.
TextraLabel - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A scene2d.ui Widget that displays text using a Font rather than a libGDX BitmapFont.
TextraLabel() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel that uses the default libGDX font (lsans-15 in the current version) with white color.
TextraLabel(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line) and using the specified Skin's LabelStyle.
TextraLabel(String, Skin, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line) and using the specified Skin's LabelStyle.
TextraLabel(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line) and using the default style from a Skin, replacing any font that would be drawn from the style with replacementFont.
TextraLabel(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line) and using the specified style from the given Skin.
TextraLabel(String, Skin, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line) and using the specified style from the given Skin.
TextraLabel(String, Skin, String, Color) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line), using the specified style from the given Skin, with the default Color overridden by the given one.
TextraLabel(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line) and using the given style taken by name from a Skin, replacing any font that would be drawn from the style with replacementFont.
TextraLabel(String, Skin, String, Font, Color) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line) and using the given style taken by name from a Skin, replacing any font that would be drawn from the style with replacementFont.
TextraLabel(String, Skin, String, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line), using the specified style from the given Skin, with the default Color overridden by the color with the given name in the skin.
TextraLabel(String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line) and using the given Font.
TextraLabel(String, Font, Color) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line), using the given Font, and using the given default color.
TextraLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line) and using the given style.
TextraLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line) and using the given style.
TextraLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
Creates a TextraLabel with the given text (which may be multi-line) and using the given style.
TextraListBox<T extends TextraLabel> - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A TextraListBox (based on List) displays TextraLabels and highlights the currently selected item.
TextraListBox(Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
TextraListBox(Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
TextraListBox(Styles.ListStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
TextraSelectBox - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A select box (aka a drop-down list) allows a user to choose one of a number of values from a list.
TextraSelectBox(Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
TextraSelectBox(Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
TextraSelectBox(Styles.SelectBoxStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
TextraSelectBox.SelectBoxScrollPane - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
The scroll pane shown when a select box is open.
TextraTooltip - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A tooltip that shows a TextraLabel.
TextraTooltip(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraTooltip(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraTooltip(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraTooltip(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Styles.TextTooltipStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Styles.TextTooltipStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraTooltip(String, Styles.TextTooltipStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraTooltip(String, Styles.TextTooltipStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraTooltip
TextraWindow - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A table that can be dragged and act as a modal window.
TextraWindow(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextraWindow(String, Skin, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextraWindow(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextraWindow(String, Skin, Font, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextraWindow(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextraWindow(String, Skin, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextraWindow(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextraWindow(String, Skin, String, Font, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextraWindow(String, Styles.WindowStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextraWindow(String, Styles.WindowStyle, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextraWindow(String, Styles.WindowStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextraWindow(String, Styles.WindowStyle, Font, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
TextTooltipStyle() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextTooltipStyle
TextTooltipStyle(Label.LabelStyle, Drawable) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextTooltipStyle
TextTooltipStyle(TextTooltip.TextTooltipStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextTooltipStyle
TextTooltipStyle(Styles.LabelStyle, Drawable) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextTooltipStyle
TextTooltipStyle(Styles.TextTooltipStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextTooltipStyle
TexturelessAtlasRegion(Texture, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
TexturelessRegion() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
TexturelessRegion(TextureRegion) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
TexturelessRegion(TextureRegion, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
TexturelessRegion(Texture) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
TexturelessRegion(Texture, float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
TexturelessRegion(Texture, int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
TexturelessRegion(Texture, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
THIN_ACROSS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
THIN_END - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
THIN_OVER - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
THIN_START - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
threshold - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
titleFont - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.WindowStyle
titleFontColor - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.WindowStyle
titleLabel - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
titleTable - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraWindow
toArray() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Keys
Returns a new array containing the remaining keys.
toArray() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Values
Returns a new array containing the remaining values.
toArray(Array<String>) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Keys
Adds the remaining keys to the array.
toArray(IntArray) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Values
Adds the remaining values to the specified array.
TokenCategory - Enum Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
toString() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
toString() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
toString() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Layout
Simply delegates to calling Layout.appendInto(StringBuilder) with a new StringBuilder, calling toString(), and then returning.
toString() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Line
toString() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
toString() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
toString() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
toString() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Entry
toString() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
toString(TextraLabel) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraSelectBox
toString(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
totalTime - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
touchDown(InputEvent, float, float, int, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
touchDragged(InputEvent, float, float, int) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldClickListener
trackingInput - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
If true, this will attempt to track which glyph the user's mouse or other pointer is over (see TypingLabel.overIndex and TypingLabel.lastTouchedIndex).
transparent - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "transparent" has RGBA8888 code 00000000, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 0.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.
TriggerEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Allows clicking the affected text to trigger an event.
TriggerEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.TriggerEffect
triggerEvent(String, boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Triggers an event with the given String name.
turquoise - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "turquoise" has RGBA8888 code 2ED6C9FF, R 0.18039216, G 0.8392157, B 0.7882353, A 1.0, hue 0.48710316, saturation 0.65882355, and lightness 0.5098039.
TWIN_ACROSS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
TWIN_END1 - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
TWIN_END2 - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
TWIN_OVER1 - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
TWIN_OVER2 - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
TWIN_START1 - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
TWIN_START2 - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
typeToSelect - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraListBox
When this is true, typing a character while this list box is focused will jump focus to the first item in the list that starts with that character, ignoring case.
typing(TypingLabel) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds the given TypingLabel to the content table.
typing(TypingLabel) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds the given TypingLabel to the content table.
typing(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds a TypingLabel to the content table.
typing(String) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds a TypingLabel to the content table.
typing(String, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds a TypingLabel to the content table.
typing(String, Font) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds a TypingLabel to the content table.
typing(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds a TypingLabel to the content table.
typing(String, Font, Color) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds a TypingLabel to the content table.
typing(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraDialog
Adds a TypingLabel to the content table.
typing(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
Adds a TypingLabel to the content table.
TypingAdapter - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Simple listener for label events.
TypingAdapter() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingAdapter
TypingButton - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A button with a child TypingLabel to display text.
TypingButton(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingButton
TypingButton(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingButton
TypingButton(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingButton
TypingButton(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingButton
TypingButton(String, Styles.TextButtonStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingButton
TypingButton(String, Styles.TextButtonStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingButton
TypingCheckBox - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A checkbox is a button that contains an image indicating the checked or unchecked state and a TypingLabel.
TypingCheckBox(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
TypingCheckBox(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
TypingCheckBox(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
TypingCheckBox(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
TypingCheckBox(String, Styles.CheckBoxStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
TypingCheckBox(String, Styles.CheckBoxStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingCheckBox
TypingConfig - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Configuration class that easily allows the user to fine tune the library's functionality.
TypingConfig() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
TypingDialog - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Displays a dialog, which is a TypingWindow with a TypingLabel for a title, a content table, and a button table.
TypingDialog(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
TypingDialog(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
TypingDialog(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
TypingDialog(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
TypingDialog(String, Styles.WindowStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
TypingDialog(String, Styles.WindowStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingDialog
TypingLabel - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
An extension of TextraLabel that progressively shows the text as if it was being typed in real time, and allows the use of tokens in the format: {TOKEN=PARAMETER;ANOTHER_PARAMETER;MORE}.
TypingLabel() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Creates a TypingLabel that uses the libGDX default font (lsans-15) and starts with no text.
TypingLabel(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
The skin should almost certainly be an FWSkin or one of its subclasses.
TypingLabel(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
The skin should almost certainly be an FWSkin or one of its subclasses.
TypingLabel(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
The skin should almost certainly be an FWSkin or one of its subclasses.
TypingLabel(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
The skin should almost certainly be an FWSkin or one of its subclasses.
TypingLabel(String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text and Font, without needing a skin.
TypingLabel(String, Font, Color) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text, Font, and font color, without needing a skin.
TypingLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text and style, without needing a skin.
TypingLabel(String, Styles.LabelStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text, style, and Font, without needing a skin.
TypingListBox<T extends TypingLabel> - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A TypingListBox (based on List) displays TypingLabels and highlights the currently selected item.
TypingListBox(Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingListBox
TypingListBox(Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingListBox
TypingListBox(Styles.ListStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingListBox
TypingListener - Interface in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Simple listener for label events.
TypingSelectBox - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A select box (aka a drop-down list) allows a user to choose one of a number of values from a list.
TypingSelectBox(Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingSelectBox
TypingSelectBox(Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingSelectBox
TypingSelectBox(Styles.SelectBoxStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingSelectBox
TypingTooltip - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A tooltip that shows a TypingLabel.
TypingTooltip(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingTooltip(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingTooltip(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingTooltip(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Styles.TextTooltipStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingTooltip(String, TooltipManager, Styles.TextTooltipStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingTooltip(String, Styles.TextTooltipStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingTooltip(String, Styles.TextTooltipStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingTooltip
TypingWindow - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra
A table that can be dragged and act as a modal window.
TypingWindow(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
TypingWindow(String, Skin, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
TypingWindow(String, Skin, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
TypingWindow(String, Skin, Font, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
TypingWindow(String, Skin, String) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
TypingWindow(String, Skin, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
TypingWindow(String, Skin, String, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
TypingWindow(String, Skin, String, Font, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
TypingWindow(String, Styles.WindowStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
TypingWindow(String, Styles.WindowStyle, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
TypingWindow(String, Styles.WindowStyle, Font) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow
TypingWindow(String, Styles.WindowStyle, Font, boolean) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingWindow


underBreadth - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Precise adjustment for the underline's y-size, affecting how thick the underline is from bottom to top.
underLength - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Precise adjustment for the underline's x-size, affecting the extra underline drawn to the right of the underline.
UNDERLINE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for underline mode, as a long.
underX - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Precise adjustment for the underline's x-position, affecting the left side of the underline.
underY - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Precise adjustment for the underline's y-position, affecting the bottom side of the underline.
UNDO - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
undoText - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
unevenMix(int...) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Mixes any number of colors with arbitrary weights per-color.
unevenMix(int[], int, int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.ColorUtils
Mixes any number of colors with arbitrary weights per-color.
unregisterEffect(String) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingConfig
Unregisters an effect from TypingLabel.
unsignedHex(int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Allocates a new 8-char String filled with the unsigned hex format of number, and returns it.
unsignedHex(long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Allocates a new 16-char String filled with the unsigned hex format of number, and returns it.
unsignedHexArray(int) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Allocates a new 8-char array filled with the unsigned hex format of number, and returns it.
unsignedHexArray(long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
Allocates a new 16-char array filled with the unsigned hex format of number, and returns it.
update(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Effect
update(float) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.WindEffect
updateImage() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.ImageTextraButton
Sets the image drawable based on the current button state.
UPPER_CASE_LETTERS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
useIntegerPositions(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
A no-op unless this is a subclass that overrides Font.handleIntegerPosition(float).
useIntegerPositions(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraButton
A no-op unless label.getFont() is a subclass that overrides Font.handleIntegerPosition(float).
useIntegerPositions(boolean) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
A no-op unless TextraLabel.font is a subclass that overrides Font.handleIntegerPosition(float).


validate() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
value - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Entry
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.DistanceFieldType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.DistanceFieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
Returns an iterator for the values in the map.
Values(CaseInsensitiveIntMap) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap.Values
values1 - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
values2 - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
valueTable - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.CaseInsensitiveIntMap
VARIABLE - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
vertexShader - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The standard libGDX vertex shader source, which is also used by the SDF and MSDF shaders.
vertices - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
violet - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "violet" has RGBA8888 code 9040EFFF, R 0.5647059, G 0.2509804, B 0.9372549, A 1.0, hue 0.74285716, saturation 0.6862745, and lightness 0.59411764.
VIOLET - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "VIOLET" has RGBA8888 code EE82EEFF, R 0.93333334, G 0.50980395, B 0.93333334, A 1.0, hue 0.8333333, saturation 0.4235294, and lightness 0.72156864.
visibleTextEnd - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
visibleTextStart - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField


WAIT - Enum constant in enum class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TokenCategory
WARN - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for warning mode, shown as a yellow barred-underline, as a long.
WaveEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Moves the text vertically in a sine wave pattern.
WaveEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.WaveEffect
white - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "white" has RGBA8888 code FFFFFFFF, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 1.0.
WHITE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "WHITE" has RGBA8888 code FFFFFFFF, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 1.0.
WHITE_OUTLINE - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Bit flag for white outline mode, as a long.
whiteBlock - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
A white square Texture, typically 3x3, that can be used as a backup in case a Font doesn't have a solid block character available to it already (such as for many Fonts created from BitmapFonts).
WIDE_ACROSS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
WIDE_END - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
WIDE_OVER - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
WIDE_START - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.BlockUtils
width - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
width - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
width - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Line
widthAdjust - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The width-adjustment this Font was initialized with, or 0 if there was none given.
WindEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Moves the text as if it is being blown around by wind.
WindEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.WindEffect
WindowStyle() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.WindowStyle
WindowStyle(BitmapFont, Color, Drawable) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.WindowStyle
WindowStyle(Window.WindowStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.WindowStyle
WindowStyle(Font, Color, Drawable) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.WindowStyle
WindowStyle(Font, Color, Drawable, Drawable) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.WindowStyle
WindowStyle(Styles.WindowStyle) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.WindowStyle
WORD_CHARS - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.StringUtils
WordOnlyFilter() - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField.TextFieldFilter.WordOnlyFilter
wordUnderCursor() - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField
workingLayout - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TypingLabel
wrap - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
If true; allows text to wrap when it would go past the layout's targetWidth and continue on the next line; if false, uses a very long target width and only adds newlines when they are in the label's text.
wrapWidth - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Styles.TextTooltipStyle
0 means don't wrap.
writeEnters - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraField


x - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
x - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
xAdjust - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The x-adjustment this Font was initialized with, or 0 if there was none given.
xAdvance - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.GlyphRegion
How far to move the "cursor" to the right after drawing this GlyphRegion.
xAdvance(long) - Method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Gets the distance to advance the cursor after drawing glyph, scaled by Font.scaleX as if drawing.
xAdvance(Font, float, long) - Static method in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
Gets the distance to advance the cursor after drawing glyph, scaled by scale as if drawing.


y - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessAtlasRegion
y - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font.TexturelessRegion
yAdjust - Variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.Font
The y-adjustment this Font was initialized with, or 0 if there was none given.
YANONE_KAFFEESATZ - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width humanist sans font.
YATAGHAN - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.KnownFonts
Base name for a variable-width "dark fantasy" display font.
yellow - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "yellow" has RGBA8888 code FFFF00FF, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.16666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.
YELLOW - Static variable in class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.utils.Palette
This color constant "YELLOW" has RGBA8888 code FFFF00FF, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.16666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.


ZipperEffect - Class in com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects
Moves the text vertically easing it into the final position, alternating glyphs moving down and glyphs moving up.
ZipperEffect(TypingLabel, String[]) - Constructor for class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.effects.ZipperEffect
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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