Interface ColorLookup

public interface ColorLookup
Allows looking up an RGBA8888 int color given a String key, returning either the color or 256 if none was found. This is an extension point for games and libraries that may want their own way of looking up colors. This can be treated as a functional interface in Java 8 and higher.
The default here is DESCRIPTIVE, which allows using multiple color names, plus adjectives. There is also INSTANCE, which is older and only looks up one color name at a time from Colors in libGDX.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final ColorLookup
    The default ColorLookup, this parses a description such as "peach red" or "DARK DULLEST GREEN" using ColorUtils.describe(String) (See its docs for more information).
    static final ColorLookup
    An alternative ColorLookup, this simply looks up key in Colors.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default int
    Looks up key to get an RGBA8888 color, and returns that color as an int if one was found, or returns 256 if none was found.
    getRgba(String key, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
    Looks up key to get an RGBA8888 color, and returns that color as an int if one was found, or returns 256 if none was found.
  • Field Details


      static final ColorLookup INSTANCE
      An alternative ColorLookup, this simply looks up key in Colors. It returns 256 (fully transparent, extremely dark blue) if no Color exists by that exact name (case-sensitive), or returning the RGBA8888 value of the color otherwise. All color names are ALL_CAPS in libGDX's Colors collection by default.

      static final ColorLookup DESCRIPTIVE
      The default ColorLookup, this parses a description such as "peach red" or "DARK DULLEST GREEN" using ColorUtils.describe(String) (See its docs for more information). The colors available are in Palette; there are adjectives that modify lightness and saturation (see ColorUtils.describe(String)), and you can specify multiple colors to mix them, with or without weights per-color. Case is effectively ignored for adjectives, but it matters for color names -- ALL_CAPS names are ones from the libGDX class Colors, while lowercase ones are defined by this library.
  • Method Details

    • getRgba

      default int getRgba(String key)
      Looks up key to get an RGBA8888 color, and returns that color as an int if one was found, or returns 256 if none was found. 256 is used because it is different from the more commonly-used 0 for fully-transparent, while still being easy to remember and very rare to ever want (it is fully transparent, very dark blue). This library will never call this method with a null key, and in most cases you can safely assume key is non-null.
      key - the String key to use to look up or build a color; will be used entirely; should not be null.
      an RGBA8888 color; if 256, this can be considered to not know how to look up the given key.
    • getRgba

      int getRgba(String key, int beginIndex, int endIndex)
      Looks up key to get an RGBA8888 color, and returns that color as an int if one was found, or returns 256 if none was found. 256 is used because it is different from the more commonly-used 0 for fully-transparent, while still being easy to remember and very rare to ever want (it is fully transparent, very dark blue). This library will never call this method with a null key, and in most cases you can safely assume key is non-null.
      key - the String key to use to look up or build a color; will be used entirely; should not be null.
      an RGBA8888 color; if 256, this can be considered to not know how to look up the given key.