Class Palette
Combines 50 colors chosen to be generally distinct with the 34 colors libGDX defines in
. Some colors
here are duplicates, and there are also aliases to part of the group of 50 for convenience. All colors are defined as
RGBA8888 ints with extensive JavaDocs. The colors from libGDX are in ALL_CAPS
, while the colors defined here
first are in lowercase
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectIntMap<String>
static final int
This color constant "apricot" has RGBA8888 codeFFA828FF
, R 1.0, G 0.65882355, B 0.15686275, A 1.0, hue 0.09922481, saturation 0.84313726, and lightness 0.57843137.static final int
This color constant "black" has RGBA8888 code000000FF
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.static final int
This color constant "BLACK" has RGBA8888 code000000FF
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.static final int
This color constant "blue" has RGBA8888 code0000FFFF
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.6666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "BLUE" has RGBA8888 code0000FFFF
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.6666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "brick" has RGBA8888 codeD5524AFF
, R 0.8352941, G 0.32156864, B 0.2901961, A 1.0, hue 0.009592325, saturation 0.54509807, and lightness 0.5627451.static final int
This color constant "bronze" has RGBA8888 codeCE8E31FF
, R 0.80784315, G 0.5568628, B 0.19215687, A 1.0, hue 0.09872612, saturation 0.6156863, and lightness 0.49999997.static final int
This color constant "brown" has RGBA8888 code8F573BFF
, R 0.56078434, G 0.34117648, B 0.23137255, A 1.0, hue 0.055555552, saturation 0.3294118, and lightness 0.39607844.static final int
This color constant "BROWN" has RGBA8888 code8B4513FF
, R 0.54509807, G 0.27058825, B 0.07450981, A 1.0, hue 0.06944444, saturation 0.47058827, and lightness 0.30980393.static final int
This color constant "butter" has RGBA8888 codeFFF288FF
, R 1.0, G 0.9490196, B 0.53333336, A 1.0, hue 0.14845939, saturation 0.46666664, and lightness 0.76666665.static final int
This color constant "cactus" has RGBA8888 code30A000FF
, R 0.1882353, G 0.627451, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.28333336, saturation 0.627451, and lightness 0.3137255.static final int
This color constant "celery" has RGBA8888 code7DFF73FF
, R 0.49019608, G 1.0, B 0.4509804, A 1.0, hue 0.32142857, saturation 0.5490196, and lightness 0.7254902.static final int
This color constant "chartreuse" has RGBA8888 codeC8FF41FF
, R 0.78431374, G 1.0, B 0.25490198, A 1.0, hue 0.21491227, saturation 0.745098, and lightness 0.627451.static final int
This color constant "CHARTREUSE" has RGBA8888 code7FFF00FF
, R 0.49803922, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.2503268, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "chocolate" has RGBA8888 code683818FF
, R 0.40784314, G 0.21960784, B 0.09411765, A 1.0, hue 0.066666655, saturation 0.3137255, and lightness 0.25098038.static final int
This color constant "cinnamon" has RGBA8888 codeD2691DFF
, R 0.8235294, G 0.4117647, B 0.11372549, A 1.0, hue 0.06998159, saturation 0.70980394, and lightness 0.46862742.static final int
This color constant "CLEAR" has RGBA8888 code00000000
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 0.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.static final int
This color constant "cobalt" has RGBA8888 code0046ABFF
, R 0.0, G 0.27450982, B 0.67058825, A 1.0, hue 0.5984406, saturation 0.67058825, and lightness 0.33529413.static final int
This color constant "CORAL" has RGBA8888 codeFF7F50FF
, R 1.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.3137255, A 1.0, hue 0.0447619, saturation 0.6862745, and lightness 0.65686274.static final int
This color constant "cyan" has RGBA8888 code00FFFFFF
, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "CYAN" has RGBA8888 code00FFFFFF
, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "DARK_GRAY" has RGBA8888 code3F3F3FFF
, R 0.24705882, G 0.24705882, B 0.24705882, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.24705882.static final int
This color constant "denim" has RGBA8888 code3088B8FF
, R 0.1882353, G 0.53333336, B 0.72156864, A 1.0, hue 0.5588235, saturation 0.53333336, and lightness 0.45490196.static final int
This color constant "ember" has RGBA8888 codeF55A32FF
, R 0.9607843, G 0.3529412, B 0.19607843, A 1.0, hue 0.034188036, saturation 0.7647059, and lightness 0.5784313.static final int
This color constant "fern" has RGBA8888 code4E7942FF
, R 0.30588236, G 0.4745098, B 0.25882354, A 1.0, hue 0.2969697, saturation 0.21568626, and lightness 0.36666664.static final int
This color constant "FIREBRICK" has RGBA8888 codeB22222FF
, R 0.69803923, G 0.13333334, B 0.13333334, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.5647059, and lightness 0.41568628.static final int
This color constant "FOREST" has RGBA8888 code228B22FF
, R 0.13333334, G 0.54509807, B 0.13333334, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 0.41176474, and lightness 0.33921573.static final int
This color constant "GOLD" has RGBA8888 codeFFD700FF
, R 1.0, G 0.84313726, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.14052288, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "GOLDENROD" has RGBA8888 codeDAA520FF
, R 0.85490197, G 0.64705884, B 0.1254902, A 1.0, hue 0.119175635, saturation 0.7294118, and lightness 0.49019608.static final int
This color constant "gray" has RGBA8888 code808080FF
, R 0.5019608, G 0.5019608, B 0.5019608, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.5019608.static final int
This color constant "GRAY" has RGBA8888 code7F7F7FFF
, R 0.49803922, G 0.49803922, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.49803922.static final int
This color constant "green" has RGBA8888 code00FF00FF
, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "GREEN" has RGBA8888 code00FF00FF
, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "indigo" has RGBA8888 code520FE0FF
, R 0.32156864, G 0.05882353, B 0.8784314, A 1.0, hue 0.7200957, saturation 0.81960785, and lightness 0.46862745.static final int
This color constant "jade" has RGBA8888 code3FBF3FFF
, R 0.24705882, G 0.7490196, B 0.24705882, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 0.5019608, and lightness 0.49803922.static final int
This color constant "lavender" has RGBA8888 codeB991FFFF
, R 0.7254902, G 0.5686275, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.72727275, saturation 0.43137252, and lightness 0.78431374.static final int
This color constant "LIGHT_GRAY" has RGBA8888 codeBFBFBFFF
, R 0.7490196, G 0.7490196, B 0.7490196, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.7490196.static final int
This color constant "lime" has RGBA8888 code93D300FF
, R 0.5764706, G 0.827451, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.21721959, saturation 0.827451, and lightness 0.4137255.static final int
This color constant "LIME" has RGBA8888 code32CD32FF
, R 0.19607843, G 0.8039216, B 0.19607843, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 0.60784316, and lightness 0.5.static final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IntArray
static final int
This color constant "magenta" has RGBA8888 codeF500F5FF
, R 0.9607843, G 0.0, B 0.9607843, A 1.0, hue 0.8333333, saturation 0.9607843, and lightness 0.48039216.static final int
This color constant "MAGENTA" has RGBA8888 codeFF00FFFF
, R 1.0, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.8333333, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "MAROON" has RGBA8888 codeB03060FF
, R 0.6901961, G 0.1882353, B 0.3764706, A 1.0, hue 0.9375, saturation 0.5019608, and lightness 0.4392157.static final int
This color constant "mauve" has RGBA8888 codeAB73ABFF
, R 0.67058825, G 0.4509804, B 0.67058825, A 1.0, hue 0.8333334, saturation 0.21960786, and lightness 0.56078434.static final int
This color constant "mint" has RGBA8888 code7FFFD4FF
, R 0.49803922, G 1.0, B 0.83137256, A 1.0, hue 0.44401044, saturation 0.50196075, and lightness 0.7490196.static final int
This color constant "moss" has RGBA8888 code204608FF
, R 0.1254902, G 0.27450982, B 0.03137255, A 1.0, hue 0.26881722, saturation 0.24313727, and lightness 0.15294118.static final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectIntMap<String>
static final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<String>
All names for colors in this palette, in alphabetical order.static final int
This color constant "navy" has RGBA8888 code000080FF
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.5019608, A 1.0, hue 0.6666667, saturation 0.5019608, and lightness 0.2509804.static final int
This color constant "NAVY" has RGBA8888 code00007FFF
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.6666667, saturation 0.49803922, and lightness 0.24901961.static final int
This color constant "olive" has RGBA8888 code818000FF
, R 0.5058824, G 0.5019608, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.16537468, saturation 0.5058824, and lightness 0.2529412.static final int
This color constant "OLIVE" has RGBA8888 code6B8E23FF
, R 0.41960785, G 0.5568628, B 0.13725491, A 1.0, hue 0.22118384, saturation 0.41960788, and lightness 0.34705883.static final int
This color constant "orange" has RGBA8888 codeFF7F00FF
, R 1.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.08300654, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "ORANGE" has RGBA8888 codeFFA500FF
, R 1.0, G 0.64705884, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.10784314, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "peach" has RGBA8888 codeFFBF81FF
, R 1.0, G 0.7490196, B 0.5058824, A 1.0, hue 0.08201058, saturation 0.49411762, and lightness 0.7529412.static final int
This color constant "pear" has RGBA8888 codeD3E330FF
, R 0.827451, G 0.8901961, B 0.1882353, A 1.0, hue 0.18156426, saturation 0.7019608, and lightness 0.5392157.static final int
This color constant "pink" has RGBA8888 codeFFA0E0FF
, R 1.0, G 0.627451, B 0.8784314, A 1.0, hue 0.8877193, saturation 0.372549, and lightness 0.8137255.static final int
This color constant "PINK" has RGBA8888 codeFF69B4FF
, R 1.0, G 0.4117647, B 0.7058824, A 1.0, hue 0.9166666, saturation 0.58823526, and lightness 0.7058824.static final int
This color constant "plum" has RGBA8888 codeBE0DC6FF
, R 0.74509805, G 0.050980393, B 0.7764706, A 1.0, hue 0.82612616, saturation 0.7254902, and lightness 0.4137255.static final int
This color constant "purple" has RGBA8888 codeC000FFFF
, R 0.7529412, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.7921569, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "PURPLE" has RGBA8888 codeA020F0FF
, R 0.627451, G 0.1254902, B 0.9411765, A 1.0, hue 0.7692308, saturation 0.8156863, and lightness 0.53333336.static final int
This color constant "raspberry" has RGBA8888 code911437FF
, R 0.5686275, G 0.078431375, B 0.21568628, A 1.0, hue 0.9533333, saturation 0.4901961, and lightness 0.32352945.static final int
This color constant "red" has RGBA8888 codeFF0000FF
, R 1.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "RED" has RGBA8888 codeFF0000FF
, R 1.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "rose" has RGBA8888 codeE61E78FF
, R 0.9019608, G 0.11764706, B 0.47058824, A 1.0, hue 0.925, saturation 0.78431374, and lightness 0.5098039.static final int
This color constant "ROYAL" has RGBA8888 code4169E1FF
, R 0.25490198, G 0.4117647, B 0.88235295, A 1.0, hue 0.625, saturation 0.62745094, and lightness 0.5686275.static final int
This color constant "saffron" has RGBA8888 codeFFD510FF
, R 1.0, G 0.8352941, B 0.0627451, A 1.0, hue 0.13737796, saturation 0.9372549, and lightness 0.53137255.static final int
This color constant "sage" has RGBA8888 codeABE3C5FF
, R 0.67058825, G 0.8901961, B 0.77254903, A 1.0, hue 0.4107143, saturation 0.21960783, and lightness 0.78039217.static final int
This color constant "salmon" has RGBA8888 codeFF6262FF
, R 1.0, G 0.38431373, B 0.38431373, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.6156863, and lightness 0.69215685.static final int
This color constant "SALMON" has RGBA8888 codeFA8072FF
, R 0.98039216, G 0.5019608, B 0.44705883, A 1.0, hue 0.017156873, saturation 0.5333333, and lightness 0.7137255.static final int
This color constant "SCARLET" has RGBA8888 codeFF341CFF
, R 1.0, G 0.20392157, B 0.10980392, A 1.0, hue 0.017621147, saturation 0.8901961, and lightness 0.55490196.static final int
This color constant "silver" has RGBA8888 codeB6B6B6FF
, R 0.7137255, G 0.7137255, B 0.7137255, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.7137255.static final int
This color constant "sky" has RGBA8888 code10C0E0FF
, R 0.0627451, G 0.7529412, B 0.8784314, A 1.0, hue 0.5256411, saturation 0.8156863, and lightness 0.47058824.static final int
This color constant "SKY" has RGBA8888 code87CEEBFF
, R 0.5294118, G 0.80784315, B 0.92156863, A 1.0, hue 0.54833335, saturation 0.39215684, and lightness 0.7254902.static final int
This color constant "SLATE" has RGBA8888 code708090FF
, R 0.4392157, G 0.5019608, B 0.5647059, A 1.0, hue 0.5833333, saturation 0.12549022, and lightness 0.5019608.static final int
This color constant "tan" has RGBA8888 codeD2B48CFF
, R 0.8235294, G 0.7058824, B 0.54901963, A 1.0, hue 0.0952381, saturation 0.2745098, and lightness 0.6862745.static final int
This color constant "TAN" has RGBA8888 codeD2B48CFF
, R 0.8235294, G 0.7058824, B 0.54901963, A 1.0, hue 0.0952381, saturation 0.2745098, and lightness 0.6862745.static final int
This color constant "teal" has RGBA8888 code007F7FFF
, R 0.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 0.49803922, and lightness 0.24901961.static final int
This color constant "TEAL" has RGBA8888 code007F7FFF
, R 0.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 0.49803922, and lightness 0.24901961.static final int
This color constant "transparent" has RGBA8888 code00000000
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 0.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.static final int
This color constant "turquoise" has RGBA8888 code2ED6C9FF
, R 0.18039216, G 0.8392157, B 0.7882353, A 1.0, hue 0.48710316, saturation 0.65882355, and lightness 0.5098039.static final int
This color constant "violet" has RGBA8888 code9040EFFF
, R 0.5647059, G 0.2509804, B 0.9372549, A 1.0, hue 0.74285716, saturation 0.6862745, and lightness 0.59411764.static final int
This color constant "VIOLET" has RGBA8888 codeEE82EEFF
, R 0.93333334, G 0.50980395, B 0.93333334, A 1.0, hue 0.8333333, saturation 0.4235294, and lightness 0.72156864.static final int
This color constant "white" has RGBA8888 codeFFFFFFFF
, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 1.0.static final int
This color constant "WHITE" has RGBA8888 codeFFFFFFFF
, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 1.0.static final int
This color constant "yellow" has RGBA8888 codeFFFF00FF
, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.16666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.static final int
This color constant "YELLOW" has RGBA8888 codeFFFF00FF
, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.16666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
Modifies the Palette by adding a color with its name.static void
Appends standard RGBA Color instances to the map inColors
, using the names inNAMES
(which are either "lowercased" instead of "ALL_UPPER_CASE", or are already present in Colors).
Field Details
Stores alternative names for colors inNAMED
, like "grey" as an alias forGRAY
or "gold" as an alias forsaffron
. Currently, the list of aliases is as follows:- "grey" maps to
, - "gold" maps to
, - "puce" maps to
, - "sand" maps to
, - "skin" maps to
, - "coral" maps to
, - "azure" maps to
, and - "ocean" maps to
, and - "sapphire" maps to
. They are primarily there so blind attempts to name a color might still work. - "grey" maps to
public static final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.IntArray LIST -
public static final int transparentThis color constant "transparent" has RGBA8888 code00000000
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 0.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int blackThis color constant "black" has RGBA8888 code000000FF
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int grayThis color constant "gray" has RGBA8888 code808080FF
, R 0.5019608, G 0.5019608, B 0.5019608, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.5019608.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int silverThis color constant "silver" has RGBA8888 codeB6B6B6FF
, R 0.7137255, G 0.7137255, B 0.7137255, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.7137255.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int whiteThis color constant "white" has RGBA8888 codeFFFFFFFF
, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 1.0.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int redThis color constant "red" has RGBA8888 codeFF0000FF
, R 1.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int orangeThis color constant "orange" has RGBA8888 codeFF7F00FF
, R 1.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.08300654, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int yellowThis color constant "yellow" has RGBA8888 codeFFFF00FF
, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.16666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int greenThis color constant "green" has RGBA8888 code00FF00FF
, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int blueThis color constant "blue" has RGBA8888 code0000FFFF
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.6666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int indigoThis color constant "indigo" has RGBA8888 code520FE0FF
, R 0.32156864, G 0.05882353, B 0.8784314, A 1.0, hue 0.7200957, saturation 0.81960785, and lightness 0.46862745.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int violetThis color constant "violet" has RGBA8888 code9040EFFF
, R 0.5647059, G 0.2509804, B 0.9372549, A 1.0, hue 0.74285716, saturation 0.6862745, and lightness 0.59411764.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int purpleThis color constant "purple" has RGBA8888 codeC000FFFF
, R 0.7529412, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.7921569, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int brownThis color constant "brown" has RGBA8888 code8F573BFF
, R 0.56078434, G 0.34117648, B 0.23137255, A 1.0, hue 0.055555552, saturation 0.3294118, and lightness 0.39607844.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int pinkThis color constant "pink" has RGBA8888 codeFFA0E0FF
, R 1.0, G 0.627451, B 0.8784314, A 1.0, hue 0.8877193, saturation 0.372549, and lightness 0.8137255.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int magentaThis color constant "magenta" has RGBA8888 codeF500F5FF
, R 0.9607843, G 0.0, B 0.9607843, A 1.0, hue 0.8333333, saturation 0.9607843, and lightness 0.48039216.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int brickThis color constant "brick" has RGBA8888 codeD5524AFF
, R 0.8352941, G 0.32156864, B 0.2901961, A 1.0, hue 0.009592325, saturation 0.54509807, and lightness 0.5627451.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int emberThis color constant "ember" has RGBA8888 codeF55A32FF
, R 0.9607843, G 0.3529412, B 0.19607843, A 1.0, hue 0.034188036, saturation 0.7647059, and lightness 0.5784313.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int salmonThis color constant "salmon" has RGBA8888 codeFF6262FF
, R 1.0, G 0.38431373, B 0.38431373, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.6156863, and lightness 0.69215685.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int chocolateThis color constant "chocolate" has RGBA8888 code683818FF
, R 0.40784314, G 0.21960784, B 0.09411765, A 1.0, hue 0.066666655, saturation 0.3137255, and lightness 0.25098038.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int tanThis color constant "tan" has RGBA8888 codeD2B48CFF
, R 0.8235294, G 0.7058824, B 0.54901963, A 1.0, hue 0.0952381, saturation 0.2745098, and lightness 0.6862745.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int bronzeThis color constant "bronze" has RGBA8888 codeCE8E31FF
, R 0.80784315, G 0.5568628, B 0.19215687, A 1.0, hue 0.09872612, saturation 0.6156863, and lightness 0.49999997.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int cinnamonThis color constant "cinnamon" has RGBA8888 codeD2691DFF
, R 0.8235294, G 0.4117647, B 0.11372549, A 1.0, hue 0.06998159, saturation 0.70980394, and lightness 0.46862742.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int apricotThis color constant "apricot" has RGBA8888 codeFFA828FF
, R 1.0, G 0.65882355, B 0.15686275, A 1.0, hue 0.09922481, saturation 0.84313726, and lightness 0.57843137.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int peachThis color constant "peach" has RGBA8888 codeFFBF81FF
, R 1.0, G 0.7490196, B 0.5058824, A 1.0, hue 0.08201058, saturation 0.49411762, and lightness 0.7529412.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int pearThis color constant "pear" has RGBA8888 codeD3E330FF
, R 0.827451, G 0.8901961, B 0.1882353, A 1.0, hue 0.18156426, saturation 0.7019608, and lightness 0.5392157.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int saffronThis color constant "saffron" has RGBA8888 codeFFD510FF
, R 1.0, G 0.8352941, B 0.0627451, A 1.0, hue 0.13737796, saturation 0.9372549, and lightness 0.53137255.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int butterThis color constant "butter" has RGBA8888 codeFFF288FF
, R 1.0, G 0.9490196, B 0.53333336, A 1.0, hue 0.14845939, saturation 0.46666664, and lightness 0.76666665.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int chartreuseThis color constant "chartreuse" has RGBA8888 codeC8FF41FF
, R 0.78431374, G 1.0, B 0.25490198, A 1.0, hue 0.21491227, saturation 0.745098, and lightness 0.627451.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int cactusThis color constant "cactus" has RGBA8888 code30A000FF
, R 0.1882353, G 0.627451, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.28333336, saturation 0.627451, and lightness 0.3137255.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int limeThis color constant "lime" has RGBA8888 code93D300FF
, R 0.5764706, G 0.827451, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.21721959, saturation 0.827451, and lightness 0.4137255.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int oliveThis color constant "olive" has RGBA8888 code818000FF
, R 0.5058824, G 0.5019608, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.16537468, saturation 0.5058824, and lightness 0.2529412.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int fernThis color constant "fern" has RGBA8888 code4E7942FF
, R 0.30588236, G 0.4745098, B 0.25882354, A 1.0, hue 0.2969697, saturation 0.21568626, and lightness 0.36666664.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int mossThis color constant "moss" has RGBA8888 code204608FF
, R 0.1254902, G 0.27450982, B 0.03137255, A 1.0, hue 0.26881722, saturation 0.24313727, and lightness 0.15294118.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int celeryThis color constant "celery" has RGBA8888 code7DFF73FF
, R 0.49019608, G 1.0, B 0.4509804, A 1.0, hue 0.32142857, saturation 0.5490196, and lightness 0.7254902.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int sageThis color constant "sage" has RGBA8888 codeABE3C5FF
, R 0.67058825, G 0.8901961, B 0.77254903, A 1.0, hue 0.4107143, saturation 0.21960783, and lightness 0.78039217.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int jadeThis color constant "jade" has RGBA8888 code3FBF3FFF
, R 0.24705882, G 0.7490196, B 0.24705882, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 0.5019608, and lightness 0.49803922.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int cyanThis color constant "cyan" has RGBA8888 code00FFFFFF
, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int mintThis color constant "mint" has RGBA8888 code7FFFD4FF
, R 0.49803922, G 1.0, B 0.83137256, A 1.0, hue 0.44401044, saturation 0.50196075, and lightness 0.7490196.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int tealThis color constant "teal" has RGBA8888 code007F7FFF
, R 0.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 0.49803922, and lightness 0.24901961.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int turquoiseThis color constant "turquoise" has RGBA8888 code2ED6C9FF
, R 0.18039216, G 0.8392157, B 0.7882353, A 1.0, hue 0.48710316, saturation 0.65882355, and lightness 0.5098039.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int skyThis color constant "sky" has RGBA8888 code10C0E0FF
, R 0.0627451, G 0.7529412, B 0.8784314, A 1.0, hue 0.5256411, saturation 0.8156863, and lightness 0.47058824.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int cobaltThis color constant "cobalt" has RGBA8888 code0046ABFF
, R 0.0, G 0.27450982, B 0.67058825, A 1.0, hue 0.5984406, saturation 0.67058825, and lightness 0.33529413.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int denimThis color constant "denim" has RGBA8888 code3088B8FF
, R 0.1882353, G 0.53333336, B 0.72156864, A 1.0, hue 0.5588235, saturation 0.53333336, and lightness 0.45490196.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int lavenderThis color constant "lavender" has RGBA8888 codeB991FFFF
, R 0.7254902, G 0.5686275, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.72727275, saturation 0.43137252, and lightness 0.78431374.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int plumThis color constant "plum" has RGBA8888 codeBE0DC6FF
, R 0.74509805, G 0.050980393, B 0.7764706, A 1.0, hue 0.82612616, saturation 0.7254902, and lightness 0.4137255.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int mauveThis color constant "mauve" has RGBA8888 codeAB73ABFF
, R 0.67058825, G 0.4509804, B 0.67058825, A 1.0, hue 0.8333334, saturation 0.21960786, and lightness 0.56078434.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int roseThis color constant "rose" has RGBA8888 codeE61E78FF
, R 0.9019608, G 0.11764706, B 0.47058824, A 1.0, hue 0.925, saturation 0.78431374, and lightness 0.5098039.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int raspberryThis color constant "raspberry" has RGBA8888 code911437FF
, R 0.5686275, G 0.078431375, B 0.21568628, A 1.0, hue 0.9533333, saturation 0.4901961, and lightness 0.32352945.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int YELLOWThis color constant "YELLOW" has RGBA8888 codeFFFF00FF
, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.16666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int BLUEThis color constant "BLUE" has RGBA8888 code0000FFFF
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.6666667, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int GOLDThis color constant "GOLD" has RGBA8888 codeFFD700FF
, R 1.0, G 0.84313726, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.14052288, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int GRAYThis color constant "GRAY" has RGBA8888 code7F7F7FFF
, R 0.49803922, G 0.49803922, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.49803922.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int ORANGEThis color constant "ORANGE" has RGBA8888 codeFFA500FF
, R 1.0, G 0.64705884, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.10784314, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int MAGENTAThis color constant "MAGENTA" has RGBA8888 codeFF00FFFF
, R 1.0, G 0.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.8333333, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int FIREBRICKThis color constant "FIREBRICK" has RGBA8888 codeB22222FF
, R 0.69803923, G 0.13333334, B 0.13333334, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.5647059, and lightness 0.41568628.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int SCARLETThis color constant "SCARLET" has RGBA8888 codeFF341CFF
, R 1.0, G 0.20392157, B 0.10980392, A 1.0, hue 0.017621147, saturation 0.8901961, and lightness 0.55490196.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int WHITEThis color constant "WHITE" has RGBA8888 codeFFFFFFFF
, R 1.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 1.0.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int SKYThis color constant "SKY" has RGBA8888 code87CEEBFF
, R 0.5294118, G 0.80784315, B 0.92156863, A 1.0, hue 0.54833335, saturation 0.39215684, and lightness 0.7254902.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int FORESTThis color constant "FOREST" has RGBA8888 code228B22FF
, R 0.13333334, G 0.54509807, B 0.13333334, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 0.41176474, and lightness 0.33921573.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int GREENThis color constant "GREEN" has RGBA8888 code00FF00FF
, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int CHARTREUSEThis color constant "CHARTREUSE" has RGBA8888 code7FFF00FF
, R 0.49803922, G 1.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.2503268, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int MAROONThis color constant "MAROON" has RGBA8888 codeB03060FF
, R 0.6901961, G 0.1882353, B 0.3764706, A 1.0, hue 0.9375, saturation 0.5019608, and lightness 0.4392157.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int REDThis color constant "RED" has RGBA8888 codeFF0000FF
, R 1.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int CYANThis color constant "CYAN" has RGBA8888 code00FFFFFF
, R 0.0, G 1.0, B 1.0, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 1.0, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int BLACKThis color constant "BLACK" has RGBA8888 code000000FF
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int VIOLETThis color constant "VIOLET" has RGBA8888 codeEE82EEFF
, R 0.93333334, G 0.50980395, B 0.93333334, A 1.0, hue 0.8333333, saturation 0.4235294, and lightness 0.72156864.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int CORALThis color constant "CORAL" has RGBA8888 codeFF7F50FF
, R 1.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.3137255, A 1.0, hue 0.0447619, saturation 0.6862745, and lightness 0.65686274.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int ROYALThis color constant "ROYAL" has RGBA8888 code4169E1FF
, R 0.25490198, G 0.4117647, B 0.88235295, A 1.0, hue 0.625, saturation 0.62745094, and lightness 0.5686275.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int LIMEThis color constant "LIME" has RGBA8888 code32CD32FF
, R 0.19607843, G 0.8039216, B 0.19607843, A 1.0, hue 0.33333334, saturation 0.60784316, and lightness 0.5.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int CLEARThis color constant "CLEAR" has RGBA8888 code00000000
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.0, A 0.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.0.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int LIGHT_GRAYThis color constant "LIGHT_GRAY" has RGBA8888 codeBFBFBFFF
, R 0.7490196, G 0.7490196, B 0.7490196, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.7490196.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int NAVYThis color constant "NAVY" has RGBA8888 code00007FFF
, R 0.0, G 0.0, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.6666667, saturation 0.49803922, and lightness 0.24901961.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int BROWNThis color constant "BROWN" has RGBA8888 code8B4513FF
, R 0.54509807, G 0.27058825, B 0.07450981, A 1.0, hue 0.06944444, saturation 0.47058827, and lightness 0.30980393.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int SALMONThis color constant "SALMON" has RGBA8888 codeFA8072FF
, R 0.98039216, G 0.5019608, B 0.44705883, A 1.0, hue 0.017156873, saturation 0.5333333, and lightness 0.7137255.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int PURPLEThis color constant "PURPLE" has RGBA8888 codeA020F0FF
, R 0.627451, G 0.1254902, B 0.9411765, A 1.0, hue 0.7692308, saturation 0.8156863, and lightness 0.53333336.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int DARK_GRAYThis color constant "DARK_GRAY" has RGBA8888 code3F3F3FFF
, R 0.24705882, G 0.24705882, B 0.24705882, A 1.0, hue 0.0, saturation 0.0, and lightness 0.24705882.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int SLATEThis color constant "SLATE" has RGBA8888 code708090FF
, R 0.4392157, G 0.5019608, B 0.5647059, A 1.0, hue 0.5833333, saturation 0.12549022, and lightness 0.5019608.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int TANThis color constant "TAN" has RGBA8888 codeD2B48CFF
, R 0.8235294, G 0.7058824, B 0.54901963, A 1.0, hue 0.0952381, saturation 0.2745098, and lightness 0.6862745.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int PINKThis color constant "PINK" has RGBA8888 codeFF69B4FF
, R 1.0, G 0.4117647, B 0.7058824, A 1.0, hue 0.9166666, saturation 0.58823526, and lightness 0.7058824.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int OLIVEThis color constant "OLIVE" has RGBA8888 code6B8E23FF
, R 0.41960785, G 0.5568628, B 0.13725491, A 1.0, hue 0.22118384, saturation 0.41960788, and lightness 0.34705883.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int TEALThis color constant "TEAL" has RGBA8888 code007F7FFF
, R 0.0, G 0.49803922, B 0.49803922, A 1.0, hue 0.5, saturation 0.49803922, and lightness 0.24901961.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
public static final int GOLDENRODThis color constant "GOLDENROD" has RGBA8888 codeDAA520FF
, R 0.85490197, G 0.64705884, B 0.1254902, A 1.0, hue 0.119175635, saturation 0.7294118, and lightness 0.49019608.@ @ @ @ @ @
- See Also:
All names for colors in this palette, in alphabetical order. You can fetch the corresponding packed float color by looking up a name inNAMED
. This includes aliases, since those can be looked up like other names.
Method Details
public static void appendToKnownColors()Appends standard RGBA Color instances to the map inColors
, using the names inNAMES
(which are either "lowercased" instead of "ALL_UPPER_CASE", or are already present in Colors). This doesn't need any changes to be made to Colors in order for it to be compatible; just remember that the colors originally in Colors use "UPPER_CASE" and these may also use "lowercase" with no spaces. -
Modifies the Palette by adding a color with its name.- Parameters:
- the name of the color to add; should not be already present inNAMED
- an int color as RGBA8888 to associate with the given name- Returns:
- true if this entered a new color, or false if name was already present (so nothing was added).