All Classes and Interfaces

Makes the hovered-over glyph stretch on y, as well as some glyphs near it.
A utility class for loading BitmapFont instances from Structured JSON files (which use .json, .dat, .ubj, .json.lzma, or .ubj.lzma as their file extension).
Mainly for internal use; allows loading BitmapFontData from a Structured JSON Font instead of a .fnt file.
Blinks the entire text in two different colors at once, without interpolation.
Starts the text large and shrinks into the final position/size, arcing up and then ending moving down; may optionally shake once it arrives at its destination.
Makes each glyph spin in place, as if around a central pole.
An unordered map where the keys are case-insensitive Strings and the values are unboxed ints.
Allows looking up an RGBA8888 int color given a String key, returning either the color or 256 if none was found.
A few static methods for commonly-used color handling tasks.
Rotates each glyph slightly back and forth, each one independently and randomly based on the current time.
Moves the text vertically easing it into the final position.
Abstract text effect.
A functional interface that is meant to be used with the 2-parameter constructor available for all Effects here, using a method reference such as WaveEffect::new.
Stretches the text vertically from the baseline up to its full height.
Fades the text's color from between colors or alphas.
A replacement for libGDX's BitmapFont class, supporting additional markup to allow styling text with various effects.
Defines what types of distance field font this can use and render.
Holds up to 16 Font values, accessible by index or by name, that markup can switch between while rendering.
Describes the region of a glyph in a larger TextureRegion, carrying a little more info about the offsets that apply to where the glyph is rendered.
Describes the region of a glyph in a hypothetical larger Texture that most likely does not exist here.
A subclass of Skin that includes a serializer for Structured JSON Fonts, which are typically generated by fontwriter (hence the "FW" in the name).
An AssetLoader to load a FWSkin.
Tints the text in a gradient pattern; never ends.
Hangs the text in midair and suddenly drops it.
Makes the text expand and shrink like a beating heart.
Tints the single glyph (or affected text, if all is true) underneath the pointer/mouse in a rainbow pattern.
A button with a child Image and TextraLabel.
A button with a child Image and TypingLabel.
Makes a span of text appear instantly, without the typing delay taking place per-glyph.
Randomly selects and shakes individual characters in the text, changing their color while shaking.
Makes the text jumps and falls as if there was gravity.
Preconfigured static Font instances, with any important metric adjustments already applied.
A replacement for libGDX's GlyphLayout, more or less; stores one or more (possibly empty) Lines of text, which can use color and style markup from Font, and can be drawn with Font.drawGlyphs(Batch, Layout, float, float, int).
One line of possibly-colorful, possibly-styled text, with a width and height set by Font.markup(String, Layout) on Lines in a Layout.
Allows clicking the affected text to open a URL in the browser.
Compresses Strings to byte arrays using a type of LZ-compression.
Decompresses byte arrays to Strings using a type of LZ-compression.
Moves the text from random starting points, easing glyphs into their final positions.
Some 1D noise methods to be used when an effect needs smooth but random changes.
Tints the text in an irregular, flowing color pattern that defaults to using sea green through deep blue, but can be changed to other colors.
Combines 50 colors chosen to be generally distinct with the 34 colors libGDX defines in Colors.
Utility class to parse tokens from a TypingLabel; not intended for external use in most situations.
Tints the text in a rainbow pattern.
Permanently rotates text in-place for each cell.
Permanently sets the size of text.
Shakes the text in a random pattern.
Starts the text large and shrinks into the final position/size.
Drips the text down and back up from its normal position in a random pattern.
Starts the text with a y-offset, holds there for a short time, drops quickly into the final position/size, and may optionally shake after dropping in.
Moves the text horizontally easing it into the final position.
Rotates each glyph quickly and slows down as it approaches some count of rotations.
Moves the text in a round spiral from outwards-in, easing it into the final position.
Scales each glyph randomly, with each one scaled independently.
Shrinks the text vertically toward the baseline while stretching a little outward horizontally, then returns to normal.
An outer class that holds all styles for TextraTypist widgets.
The style for a select box, see TextraCheckBox or TypingCheckBox.
The style for an image text button, see ImageTextraButton.
The style for a TextraLabel or TypingLabel.
The style for a ListBox, see TextraListBox.
The style for a select box, see TextraSelectBox.
The style for a text button, see TextraButton or TypingButton.
The style for a text field, see TextraField.
The style for a text tooltip, see TextraTooltip or TypingTooltip.
The style for a window, see TextraWindow or TypingWindow.
Enables style properties for the single glyph (or affected text, if all is true) underneath the pointer/mouse, and disables them when not underneath.
A multiple-line TextraField; not ready for production yet.
A button with a child TextraLabel to display text.
A checkbox is a button that contains an image indicating the checked or unchecked state and a TextraLabel.
Displays a dialog, which is a window with a title, a content table, and a button table.
A single-line text input field.
The default TextraField.OnscreenKeyboard used by all TextraField instances.
An interface for onscreen keyboards.
Interface for filtering characters entered into the text field.
This filter only accepts the chars '0' through '9'.
This filter only accepts what Unicode considers "letter characters."
This filter only accepts what Unicode considers "word characters" -- all letters, all numbers, and the underscore (as well as all underscore-like punctuation, like its variant for vertical text).
Interface for listening to typed characters.
A scene2d.ui Widget that displays text using a Font rather than a libGDX BitmapFont.
A TextraListBox (based on List) displays TextraLabels and highlights the currently selected item.
A select box (aka a drop-down list) allows a user to choose one of a number of values from a list.
The scroll pane shown when a select box is open.
A tooltip that shows a TextraLabel.
A table that can be dragged and act as a modal window.
Allows clicking the affected text to trigger an event.
Simple listener for label events.
A button with a child TypingLabel to display text.
A checkbox is a button that contains an image indicating the checked or unchecked state and a TypingLabel.
Configuration class that easily allows the user to fine tune the library's functionality.
Displays a dialog, which is a TypingWindow with a TypingLabel for a title, a content table, and a button table.
An extension of TextraLabel that progressively shows the text as if it was being typed in real time, and allows the use of tokens in the format: {TOKEN=PARAMETER;ANOTHER_PARAMETER;MORE}.
A TypingListBox (based on List) displays TypingLabels and highlights the currently selected item.
Simple listener for label events.
A select box (aka a drop-down list) allows a user to choose one of a number of values from a list.
A tooltip that shows a TypingLabel.
A table that can be dragged and act as a modal window.
Moves the text vertically in a sine wave pattern.
Moves the text as if it is being blown around by wind.
Moves the text vertically easing it into the final position, alternating glyphs moving down and glyphs moving up.