Class SickEffect


public class SickEffect extends Effect
Drips the text down and back up from its normal position in a random pattern. This can work well with CrowdEffect to incorporate random rotation.
Parameters: distance;speed;duration
The distance is how many line-heights each glyph should move down, at most; defaults to 1.0 . The speed is how quickly each glyph should move; defaults to 1.0 . The duration is how many seconds the dripping should go on, or _ to repeat forever; defaults to positive infinity.
Example usage: {SICK=0.5;0.8;_}Each glyph here will shake a little and with slower movement; the shaking will go on forever.{ENDSICK} {SICK=2.5;1.0;5}Each glyph here will shake a lot, at normal speed, for 5 seconds total.{ENDSICK}
  • Field Details

    • distance

      public float distance
    • speed

      public float speed
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • onApply

      protected void onApply(long glyph, int localIndex, int globalIndex, float delta)
      Description copied from class: Effect
      Called when this effect should be applied to the given glyph.
      Specified by:
      onApply in class Effect