Class TriggerEffect


public class TriggerEffect extends Effect
Allows clicking the affected text to trigger an event. You may want to use other markup with this, such as underlining or especially a color change. Doesn't change over time. This is fully dependent on what the TypingLabel's TypingListener/TypingAdapter does with the event by name.
Parameters: event
The event is a normal String that will be passed to any registered TypingListener or TypingAdapter when this text is clicked. Defaults to "start".
Example usage: {TRIGGER=party}When you click this, the party starts! If an event is registered for "party"...{ENDTRIGGER}
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • onApply

      protected void onApply(long glyph, int localIndex, int globalIndex, float delta)
      Description copied from class: Effect
      Called when this effect should be applied to the given glyph.
      Specified by:
      onApply in class Effect