Class StylistEffect


public class StylistEffect extends Effect
Enables style properties for the single glyph (or affected text, if all is true) underneath the pointer/mouse, and disables them when not underneath. The style properties this effect controls are things like bold and underline. There are many situations when you will want "all" mode enabled, such as to underline all of an area affected by Stylist, or change all of it to oblique instead of just one glyph at a time. Stylist can use the textual syntax: {STYLIST=bold underline all} or its abbreviated form: {STYLIST=b u a} Or symbolic abbreviated form, matching square-bracket markup where possible: {STYLIST=* _ a} It also just so happens that entering {STYLIST} will enable bold, underline, and 'all' mode.
All of these textual options are case-insensitive and apply to whole words only (separated by whitespace, tab, or comma):
  • Bold can be enabled with bold, b, or *.
  • Oblique can be enabled with oblique, o, italic, i, or /.
  • Underline can be enabled with underline, u, or _.
  • Strikethrough can be enabled with strikethrough, strike, s, or ~.
  • Subscript can be enabled with subscript, sub, or ..
  • Midscript can be enabled with midscript, mid, or =.
  • Superscript can be enabled with superscript, super, or ^.
  • Enabling 'all' mode can be done by having all or a in the String.

Stylist can instead use the positional syntax: {STYLIST=y;n;y;n;0;y} Which, in order, enables bold (y for yes), does not change oblique (n for no), enables underline, does not change strikethrough, does not change any of the script options (subscript would be 1, midscript 2, or superscript 3, but since this is 0 it won't change), and enables "all" mode as the last 'y' (which highlights the whole area using the effect, instead of just the char being hovered over).
The textual syntax is preferred now, but the positional syntax was here first. Note that if a semicolon is present at all, this will treat the input as positional.
Positional syntax parameters: bold;oblique;underline;strikethrough;script;all
Setting bold to true, y, 1, or some other true-indicating value makes this toggle bold. Setting oblique to true, y, 1, or some other true-indicating value makes this toggle oblique. Setting underline to true, y, 1, or some other true-indicating value makes this toggle underline. Setting strikethrough to true, y, 1, or some other true-indicating value makes this toggle strikethrough. Setting script to 0 will have this not affect script mode, 1 will have it enable subscript, 2 will have it enable midscript, and 3 will have it enable superscript. The parameter all makes the whole span of text become affected when true, or individual glyphs be the only things affected when false.
Example usage: {STYLIST=italic all}This whole span of text will become oblique/italicized on mouse-over.{ENDSTYLIST} {STYLIST=bold strike}Individual glyphs will be set to bold and be struck through while moused-over.{ENDSTYLIST}
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • onApply

      protected void onApply(long glyph, int localIndex, int globalIndex, float delta)
      Description copied from class: Effect
      Called when this effect should be applied to the given glyph.
      Specified by:
      onApply in class Effect