Package com.github.tommyettinger.textra
Class TypingLabel
- All Implemented Interfaces:
An extension of
This is meant to work with
that progressively shows the text as if it was being typed in real time, and
allows the use of tokens in the format: {TOKEN=PARAMETER;ANOTHER_PARAMETER;MORE}
. These tokens can
add various effects to spans of text, such as the token WIND
making text flutter and flap around, or
making it flash an alternate color repeatedly. These work in addition to the tags permitted by
TextraLabel, such as [light blue]
for to change text color, or [_]
to underline text.
For compatibility with other systems that may already use curly braces, such as some I18N techniques, you can use
instead of {
and ]
instead of }
to use tokens without writing
out curly braces.
This is meant to work with
or one of its subclasses, such as FreeTypistSkin
, and isn't
guaranteed to work with a regular Skin
. FWSkin can load the same JSON files Skin uses, and it extends Skin.-
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<Effect>
protected boolean
The global glyph index (as used bysetInWorkingLayout(int, long)
) of the last glyph touched by the com.badlogic.gdx.utils.FloatArray
Contains two floats per glyph; even items are x offsets, odd items are y
The global glyph index (as used bysetInWorkingLayout(int, long)
) of the last glyph hovered or dragged over by the user (including a click and mouse movement without a click).final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.FloatArray
Contains one float per glyph; each is a rotation in degrees to apply to that glyph (around its center).boolean
If true, this label will allow clicking and dragging to select a range of text, iftrackingInput
is also
The inclusive end index for the selected text, if there is a
The inclusive start index for the selected text, if there is a com.badlogic.gdx.utils.FloatArray
Contains two floats per glyph, as size multipliers; even items apply to x, odd items apply to y.boolean
If true, this will attempt to track which glyph the user's mouse or other pointer is over (seeoverIndex
).protected final Layout
Fields inherited from class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
align, font, layout, prefSizeInvalid, storedText, style, wrap
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionCreates a TypingLabel that uses the libGDX default font (lsans-15) and starts with no text.TypingLabel
(String text, com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin skin) The skin should almost certainly be anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses.TypingLabel
(String text, com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin skin, Font replacementFont) The skin should almost certainly be anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses.TypingLabel
(String text, com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin skin, String styleName) The skin should almost certainly be anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses.TypingLabel
(String text, com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin skin, String styleName, Font replacementFont) The skin should almost certainly be anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses.TypingLabel
(String text, Font font) Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text and Font, without needing a skin.TypingLabel
(String text, Font font, color) Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text, Font, and font color, without needing a skin.TypingLabel
(String text, Styles.LabelStyle style) Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text and style, without needing a skin.TypingLabel
(String text, Styles.LabelStyle style, Font replacementFont) Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text, style, and Font, without needing a skin. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(float delta) void
Cancels calls toskipToTheEnd()
Removes all variables from this label.boolean
If this label isselectable
and there is a selected range of text, this copies that range of text to the clipboard and returns true; otherwise, it returns false.void
( batch, float parentAlpha) If your font usesFont.DistanceFieldType.SDF
, then this has to do some extra work to use the appropriate shader.void
( batch, float parentAlpha, int startIndex, int endIndex) Renders a subsection of the glyphs in this
Returns aColor
instance with the color to be used onCLEARCOLOR
(int index) Gets the height of the Line containing the glyph at the given index, plus the heights of all preceding lines, in the working layout.Returns the default token being used in this label.Gets the ellipsis, which may be null, or may be a String that can be placed at the end of the text if its max lines are exceeded.long
(int index) long
(Layout layout, int index) long
(int index) float
(int index) Gets the height of the Line containing the glyph at the given index, in the working layout.getLineInLayout
(Layout layout, int index) int
The maximum number ofLine
s this label can display.Similar toLayout.toString()
, but returns the original text with all the tokens unchanged.float
If this label isselectable
and there is a selected range of text, this returns that range of text; otherwise, it returns the empty string.float
Returns theTypingListener
associated with this label.Returns theObjectMap
with all the variable names and their respective replacement values that this label uses to handle{VAR=NAME}
replacements.Returns the meant-for-internal-use-only Layout that is frequently changed as this label is displayed.boolean
Returns whether this label's char progression has ended.boolean
If this label isselectable
and there is a selected range of text, this returns true; otherwise, it returns false.void
(Layout layout, int index, long newGlyph) void
(Layout layout, int index, CharSequence text) boolean
Returns whether this label is paused.boolean
Returns true if and only ifselectable
is true andtrackingInput
is true; otherwise false.boolean
Returns whether this label is currently skipping its typing progression all the way to the end.void
Gets the length in glyphs of the working layout (what is displayed).void
Parses all tokens of this label.void
Pauses this label's character progression.void
(String var) Removes a variable and its respective replacement value from this label's variable map.void
Restarts this label with the original text and starts the char progression right away.void
(CharSequence newText) Restarts this label with the given text and starts the char progression right away.protected void
Restores the original text with all tokens unchanged to this label.void
Resumes this label's character progression.protected void
(CharSequence text) Copies the content ofgetOriginalText()
to theStringBuilder
containing the original text with all tokens unchanged.void
(String defaultToken) Sets the default token being used in this label.void
(String ellipsis) Sets the ellipsis text, which replaces the last few glyphs if non-null and the text added would exceed thegetMaxLines()
of this label's working layout.void
(Layout layout, int index, long newGlyph) void
(CharSequence text, boolean modifyOriginalText, boolean restart) void
(int index, long newGlyph) void
(int maxLines) Sets the maximum number ofLine
s this Layout can display; this is always at least 1.setSelectable
(boolean selectable) void
(float width, float height) void
Modifies the text of this label.void
Sets the text of this label.void
Sets the text of this label.void
(float textSpeed) void
(TypingListener listener) Sets theTypingListener
associated with this label, ornull
to remove the current one.void
(String var, String value) Registers a variable and its respective replacement value to this label.void
(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.ObjectMap<String, String> variableMap) Registers a set of variables and their respective replacement values to this label.void
(Map<String, String> variableMap) Registers a set of variables and their respective replacement values to this label.Skips the char progression to the end, showing the entire label.skipToTheEnd
(boolean ignoreEvents) Skips the char progression to the end, showing the entire label.skipToTheEnd
(boolean ignoreEvents, boolean ignoreEffects) Skips the char progression to the end, showing the entire label.substring
(int start, int end) Gets a String from the working layout of this label, made of only the char portions of the glyphs from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive).toString()
(String event, boolean always) Triggers an event with the given String name.Methods inherited from class com.github.tommyettinger.textra.TextraLabel
getAlignment, getFont, getGlyph, invalidate, isWrap, setAlignment, setFont, setFont, setHeight, setParent, setStage, setSuperHeight, setSuperWidth, setWidth, setWrap, useIntegerPositions, validate
Methods inherited from class com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Widget
getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, invalidateHierarchy, needsLayout, pack, setFillParent, setLayoutEnabled, sizeChanged
Methods inherited from class com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor
addAction, addCaptureListener, addListener, ancestorsVisible, ascendantsVisible, clear, clearActions, clearListeners, clipBegin, clipBegin, clipEnd, debug, drawDebug, drawDebugBounds, fire, firstAscendant, getActions, getCaptureListeners, getColor, getDebug, getHeight, getListeners, getName, getOriginX, getOriginY, getParent, getRight, getRotation, getScaleX, getScaleY, getStage, getTop, getTouchable, getUserObject, getWidth, getX, getX, getY, getY, getZIndex, hasActions, hasKeyboardFocus, hasParent, hasScrollFocus, hit, isAscendantOf, isDescendantOf, isTouchable, isTouchFocusListener, isTouchFocusTarget, isVisible, localToActorCoordinates, localToAscendantCoordinates, localToParentCoordinates, localToScreenCoordinates, localToStageCoordinates, moveBy, notify, parentToLocalCoordinates, positionChanged, remove, removeAction, removeCaptureListener, removeListener, rotateBy, rotationChanged, scaleBy, scaleBy, scaleChanged, screenToLocalCoordinates, setBounds, setColor, setColor, setDebug, setName, setOrigin, setOrigin, setOriginX, setOriginY, setPosition, setPosition, setRotation, setScale, setScale, setScaleX, setScaleY, setTouchable, setUserObject, setVisible, setX, setX, setY, setY, setZIndex, sizeBy, sizeBy, stageToLocalCoordinates, toBack, toFront
Field Details
public final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.FloatArray offsetsContains two floats per glyph; even items are x offsets, odd items are y offsets. -
public final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.FloatArray sizingContains two floats per glyph, as size multipliers; even items apply to x, odd items apply to y. -
public final com.badlogic.gdx.utils.FloatArray rotationsContains one float per glyph; each is a rotation in degrees to apply to that glyph (around its center). -
public boolean trackingInputIf true, this will attempt to track which glyph the user's mouse or other pointer is over (seeoverIndex
). -
public boolean selectableIf true, this label will allow clicking and dragging to select a range of text, iftrackingInput
is also true. This does not allow the text to be edited unless so implemented by another class. If text can be selected, then you can usegetSelectedText()
to get the selected String, orcopySelectedText()
to copy that text directly. To copy automatically, use a listener that checksTypingListener.event(String)
, and when the event String is"*SELECTED"
, that means a click-and-drag selected a range of text in this label, and you can do what you want with the selected text (such as callcopySelectedText()
). -
public com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Drawable selectionDrawable -
public int lastTouchedIndexThe global glyph index (as used bysetInWorkingLayout(int, long)
) of the last glyph touched by the user. If nothing in this TypingLabel was touched during the last call todraw(Batch, float)
, then this will be either -1 (if the last touch was, roughly, before the first glyph) or -2 (if the last touch was after the last glyph). This only changes when a click, tap, or other touch was just issued. -
public int overIndexThe global glyph index (as used bysetInWorkingLayout(int, long)
) of the last glyph hovered or dragged over by the user (including a click and mouse movement without a click). If nothing in this TypingLabel was moved over during the last call todraw(Batch, float)
, then this will be -1 . This changes whenever the mouse or a pointer is over a glyph in this. -
public int selectionStartThe inclusive start index for the selected text, if there is a selection. This should be -1 if there is no selection, or sometimes -2 if the selection went past the end of the text. This is essentially interchangeable withselectionEnd
; as long as they are different, it doesn't matter which is higher or lower. -
public int selectionEndThe inclusive end index for the selected text, if there is a selection. This should be -1 if there is no selection, or sometimes -2 if the selection went past the end of the text. This is essentially interchangeable withselectionStart
; as long as they are different, it doesn't matter which is higher or lower. -
protected boolean dragging -
Constructor Details
public TypingLabel()Creates a TypingLabel that uses the libGDX default font (lsans-15) and starts with no text. The default font will not look very good when scaled, so this should usually stay its default font size. -
The skin should almost certainly be anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses.- Parameters:
- markup text that can contain square-bracket tags and curly-brace tokensskin
- almost always anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses; must have aStyles.LabelStyle
registered as "default"
The skin should almost certainly be anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses.- Parameters:
- markup text that can contain square-bracket tags and curly-brace tokensskin
- almost always anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses; must have aStyles.LabelStyle
registered as "default"replacementFont
- will be used instead of the Font loaded from skin
The skin should almost certainly be anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses.- Parameters:
- markup text that can contain square-bracket tags and curly-brace tokensskin
- almost always anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses; must have aStyles.LabelStyle
registered with the given styleNamestyleName
- the name of theStyles.LabelStyle
to load from skin
public TypingLabel(String text, com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin skin, String styleName, Font replacementFont) The skin should almost certainly be anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses.- Parameters:
- markup text that can contain square-bracket tags and curly-brace tokensskin
- almost always anFWSkin
or one of its subclasses; must have aStyles.LabelStyle
registered with the given styleNamestyleName
- the name of theStyles.LabelStyle
to load from skinreplacementFont
- will be used instead of the Font loaded from skin
Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text and style, without needing a skin.- Parameters:
- markup text that can contain square-bracket tags and curly-brace tokensstyle
- a style fromStyles
and not from scene2d.ui; often made manually
Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text, style, and Font, without needing a skin.- Parameters:
- markup text that can contain square-bracket tags and curly-brace tokensstyle
- a style fromStyles
and not from scene2d.ui; often made manuallyreplacementFont
- will be used instead of the Font from the style
Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text and Font, without needing a skin.- Parameters:
- markup text that can contain square-bracket tags and curly-brace tokensfont
- will be used for all text
Creates a TypingLabel with the given markup text, Font, and font color, without needing a skin.- Parameters:
- markup text that can contain square-bracket tags and curly-brace tokensfont
- will be used for all textcolor
- the default foreground color for text
Method Details
Modifies the text of this label. If the char progression is already running, it's highly recommended to userestart(CharSequence)
instead.- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
- Parameters:
- what to use as the new text (and original text) of this label
Sets the text of this label. If the char progression is already running, it's highly recommended to userestart(CharSequence)
instead. This overload allows specifying if the original text, which is used when parsing the tokens (withparseTokens()
), should be changed to match the given text. IfmodifyOriginalText
is true, this willpreprocess
the text, which should generally be run once per original text and no more.
This overload callssetText(String, boolean, boolean)
set to false.- Parameters:
- Flag determining if the original text should be modified as well. Iffalse
, only the display text is changed while the original text is untouched. Iftrue
, then this runsParser.preprocess(String)
on the text, which should only generally be run once per original text.- See Also:
Sets the text of this label. If the char progression is already running, it's highly recommended to userestart(CharSequence)
instead. This overload allows specifying if the original text, which is used when parsing the tokens (withparseTokens()
), should be changed to match the given text. This will not ever callParser.preprocess(String)
, which makes it different fromsetText(String, boolean)
. You can also specify whether the text animation should restart or not here.- Parameters:
- Flag determining if the original text should be modified as well. Iffalse
, only the display text is changed while the original text is untouched.restart
- Whether this label should restart. Defaults to true.- See Also:
Similar toLayout.toString()
, but returns the original text with all the tokens unchanged. -
Copies the content ofgetOriginalText()
to theStringBuilder
containing the original text with all tokens unchanged. -
protected void restoreOriginalText()Restores the original text with all tokens unchanged to this label. Make sure to callparseTokens()
to parse the tokens again. -
Returns theTypingListener
associated with this label. May benull
. -
Sets theTypingListener
associated with this label, ornull
to remove the current one. -
public getClearColor()Returns aColor
instance with the color to be used onCLEARCOLOR
tokens. Modify this instance to change the token color. Default value is specified byTypingConfig
.- See Also:
Returns the default token being used in this label. Defaults to empty string. -
Sets the default token being used in this label. This token will be used before the label's text, and after each {RESET} call. Useful if you want a certain token to be active at all times without having to type it all the time. -
public void parseTokens()Parses all tokens of this label. Use this after setting the text and any variables that should be replaced. -
Skips the char progression to the end, showing the entire label. Useful for when users don't want to wait for too long. Ignores all subsequent events by default. Doesn't change running effects. This callsact(float)
with a delta ofFloat.MIN_VALUE
, which allows the text to be skipped ahead without noticeably changing anything time-based.- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
- Returns:
- this, for chaining
Skips the char progression to the end, showing the entire label. Useful for when users don't want to wait for too long. This doesn't change running effects. This callsact(float)
with a delta ofFloat.MIN_VALUE
, which allows the text to be skipped ahead without noticeably changing anything time-based.- Parameters:
- Iftrue
, skipped events won't be reported to the listener.- Returns:
- this, for chaining
Skips the char progression to the end, showing the entire label. Useful for when users don't want to wait for too long. This callsact(float)
with a delta ofFloat.MIN_VALUE
, which allows the text to be skipped ahead without noticeably changing anything time-based.- Parameters:
- Iftrue
, skipped events won't be reported to the listener.ignoreEffects
- Iftrue
, all text effects will be instantly cancelled.- Returns:
- this, for chaining
public void cancelSkipping()Cancels calls toskipToTheEnd()
. Useful if you need to restore the label's normal behavior at some event after skipping. -
public boolean isSkipping()Returns whether this label is currently skipping its typing progression all the way to the end. This is only true if skipToTheEnd is called. -
public boolean isPaused()Returns whether this label is paused. -
public void pause()Pauses this label's character progression. -
public void resume()Resumes this label's character progression. -
public boolean hasEnded()Returns whether this label's char progression has ended. -
public void restart()Restarts this label with the original text and starts the char progression right away. All tokens are automatically parsed. -
Restarts this label with the given text and starts the char progression right away. All tokens are automatically parsed. If you are reusing an existing TypingLabel and its size will change once it holdsnewText
, you may need to calllabel.setSize(0, 0);
before calling this. This does not change its size by itself, because restarting is also performed internally and changing the size internally could cause unexpected (read: very buggy) behavior for code using this library. -
Returns theObjectMap
with all the variable names and their respective replacement values that this label uses to handle{VAR=NAME}
replacements. This returns the map directly. -
Registers a variable and its respective replacement value to this label.- Parameters:
- the String name to use for a variablevalue
- the String value to use as a replacement
Removes a variable and its respective replacement value from this label's variable map.- Parameters:
- the String name of a variable to remove
Registers a set of variables and their respective replacement values to this label.- Parameters:
- an ObjectMap of variable names to their replacement Strings
Registers a set of variables and their respective replacement values to this label.- Parameters:
- a Map of variable names to their replacement Strings; null keys will be ignored silently
public void clearVariables()Removes all variables from this label. -
public void act(float delta) - Overrides:
in classcom.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor
public void setSize(float width, float height) - Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
public float getPrefWidth()- Specified by:
in interfacecom.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Layout
- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
public float getPrefHeight()- Specified by:
in interfacecom.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Layout
- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
public void layout()- Specified by:
in interfacecom.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Layout
- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
public void draw( batch, float parentAlpha) If your font usesFont.DistanceFieldType.SDF
, then this has to do some extra work to use the appropriate shader. IfFont.enableShader(Batch)
was called before rendering a group of TypingLabels, then they will try to share one Batch; otherwise this will change the shader to render SDF or MSDF, then change it back at the end of each draw() call.- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
- Parameters:
- probably should be a SpriteBatchparentAlpha
- the alpha of the parent container, or 1.0f if there is none
public void drawSection( batch, float parentAlpha, int startIndex, int endIndex) Renders a subsection of the glyphs in this label. If your font usesFont.DistanceFieldType.SDF
, then this has to do some extra work to use the appropriate shader. IfFont.enableShader(Batch)
was called before rendering a group of TypingLabels, then they will try to share one Batch; otherwise this will change the shader to render SDF or MSDF, then change it back at the end of each draw() call.- Parameters:
- probably should be a SpriteBatchparentAlpha
- the alpha of the parent container, or 1.0f if there is nonestartIndex
- the first index, inclusive, to start rendering atendIndex
- the last index, exclusive, to stop rendering before; if negative this won't be limited
- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
If this label isselectable
and there is a selected range of text, this returns that range of text; otherwise, it returns the empty string.- Returns:
- the currently selected text, or the empty string if none is or can be selected
public boolean copySelectedText()If this label isselectable
and there is a selected range of text, this copies that range of text to the clipboard and returns true; otherwise, it returns false.- Returns:
- true if text was copied, or false if the clipboard hasn't received any text
public boolean hasSelection()If this label isselectable
and there is a selected range of text, this returns true; otherwise, it returns false.- Returns:
- true if there is selected text, or false otherwise
public long getInWorkingLayout(int index) -
Returns the meant-for-internal-use-only Layout that is frequently changed as this label is displayed. The working layout may be useful to have, even if treated as read-only, so it is exposed here. Still, be very careful with this method and the Layout it returns. The working layout is the one that gets shown, wherelayout()
is used as the ideal text before wrapping or other requirements edit it.- Returns:
- the mostly-internal working layout, which is the layout that gets displayed.
public int getMaxLines()The maximum number ofLine
s this label can display.- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
- Returns:
- the maximum number of
objects this label can display
public void setMaxLines(int maxLines) Sets the maximum number ofLine
s this Layout can display; this is always at least 1. For effectively unlimited lines, passInteger.MAX_VALUE
to this.- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
- Parameters:
- the limit for how many Line objects this Layout can display; always 1 or more
Gets the ellipsis, which may be null, or may be a String that can be placed at the end of the text if its max lines are exceeded.- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
- Returns:
- an ellipsis String or null
Sets the ellipsis text, which replaces the last few glyphs if non-null and the text added would exceed thegetMaxLines()
of this label's working layout. For the ellipsis to appear, this has to be called with a non-null String (often"..."
, or"…"
if the font supports it), andsetMaxLines(int)
needs to have been called with a small enough number, such as 1.- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
- Parameters:
- a String for a Layout to end with if its max lines are exceeded, or null to avoid such truncation
Gets a String from the working layout of this label, made of only the char portions of the glyphs from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive). This can retrieve text from across multiple lines.- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
- Parameters:
- inclusive start indexend
- exclusive end index- Returns:
- a String made of only the char portions of the glyphs from start to end
public float getLineHeight(int index) Gets the height of the Line containing the glyph at the given index, in the working layout. If the index is out of bounds, this just returnsFont.cellHeight
.- Overrides:
in classTextraLabel
- Parameters:
- the 0-based index of the glyph to measure- Returns:
- the height of the Line containing the specified glyph
public float getCumulativeLineHeight(int index) Gets the height of the Line containing the glyph at the given index, plus the heights of all preceding lines, in the working layout. If the index is out of bounds, this returns either 0 if index was too low, or the height of all lines together if the index was too high.- Parameters:
- the 0-based index of the glyph to measure- Returns:
- the sum of the height of the Line containing the specified glyph and all preceding line heights
public long getFromIntermediate(int index) -
public void setInWorkingLayout(int index, long newGlyph) -
public int length()Gets the length in glyphs of the working layout (what is displayed).- Returns:
- the length in glyphs of the working layout (what is displayed)
Triggers an event with the given String name. Ifalways
is true, this will trigger the event even if the typing animation has already ended. This requires aTypingListener
to be set.- Parameters:
- the event name to triggeralways
- if true, the event will be triggered even if the animation has finished.
public boolean isSelectable()Returns true if and only ifselectable
is true andtrackingInput
is true; otherwise false.- Returns:
- whether the text of this label is selectable
If giventrue
, this makes the text of this labelselectable
and ensurestrackingInput
is true. Otherwise, this makes the label not-selectable and doesn't changetrackingInput
. The application should usually be set to copy the selected text usingcopySelectedText()
when the user expects it to be copied. Often, aTypingListener
that checks for the event"*SELECTED"
works.- Parameters:
- true if the text of this label should be selectable- Returns:
- this, for chaining
public float getTextSpeed() -
public void setTextSpeed(float textSpeed)