Class DistinctRandom

All Implemented Interfaces:
Externalizable, Serializable, RandomGenerator

public class DistinctRandom extends EnhancedRandom
A variant on Java 8's SplittableRandom algorithm, removing the splittable quality so this has one possible stream. You'd typically use this when you want every output of nextLong() from one generator to be a different, unique number until every long has been generated, such as for generating unique seeds or IDs. The reasons for removing the splittable quality are a little complicated, but it's enough to say that by having a fixed stream, this is a little faster, and it avoids the possibility of some streams being lower-quality. This uses Pelle Evensen's Moremur mixer instead of SplittableRandom's Variant 13, which should give it roughly equivalent performance but somewhat higher statistical quality. Like many variations on SplittableRandom and its SplitMix64 algorithm, this changes its state by a simple counter with a large increment; one of the best increments seems to be (2 to the 64) divided by the golden ratio, plus or minus 1 to make it odd. This number, 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15L or -7046029254386353131L when stored in a signed long, shows up a lot in random number generation and hashing fields because the golden ratio has some unique and helpful properties. The increment is sometimes called the "gamma," and this particular gamma is known to be high-quality, but of the over 9 quintillion possible odd-number gammas, not all are have such nice properties (for instance, 1 would make a terrible gamma if it were used in this generator, because it's so small). We only allow one gamma here, so we can be sure it works.
Other useful traits of this generator are that it has exactly one long of state, that all values are permitted for that state, and that you can skip(long) the state forwards or backwards in constant time. It is also quite fast, though not as fast as TricycleRandom or WhiskerRandom on Java 16 or newer.
This class is an EnhancedRandom from juniper and is also a JDK Random as a result. It can often be used as a substitute for LaserRandom. LaserRandom has comparable speed, and supports many streams, but if you want just one long of state, DistinctRandom is a better fit. For higher speed on Java 16 or higher, HotSpot, you can use TricycleRandom or WhiskerRandom (WhiskerRandom is preferred if you only target Java 16+). Those generators also should have a longer period than DistinctRandom except in infinitesimally-rare cases. No other generators in juniper have the "distinct" quality this generator has.
Unlike the multiple-state generators here, DistinctRandom tolerates being given sequential seeds and/or states, and in fact doesn't randomize the seed when given one with setSeed(long). This is the only generator here that performs two multiplications on its output (other than Xoshiro256StarStarRandom, which doesn't do much good by multiplying by 5 and 9); having multiple large multiplications tends to mix bits very thoroughly as long as there are some xorshifts or rotations between the multiplications.
This implements all methods from EnhancedRandom, including the optional skip(long) and previousLong() methods.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • state

      public long state
      The only state variable; can be any long.
  • Constructor Details

    • DistinctRandom

      public DistinctRandom()
      Creates a new DistinctRandom with a random state.
    • DistinctRandom

      public DistinctRandom(long state)
      Creates a new DistinctRandom with the given state; all long values are permitted.
      state - any long value
  • Method Details

    • getTag

      public String getTag()
      Description copied from class: EnhancedRandom
      Gets the tag used to identify this type of EnhancedRandom, as a String. This tag should be unique, and for uniformity purposes, all tags used in this library are 4 characters long. User-defined tags should have a different length.
      Specified by:
      getTag in class EnhancedRandom
      a unique String identifier for this type of EnhancedRandom; usually 4 chars long.
    • getStateCount

      public int getStateCount()
      This has one long state.
      getStateCount in class EnhancedRandom
      1 (one)
    • getSelectedState

      public long getSelectedState(int selection)
      Gets the only state, which can be any long value.
      getSelectedState in class EnhancedRandom
      selection - ignored; this always returns the same, only state
      the only state's exact value
    • setSelectedState

      public void setSelectedState(int selection, long value)
      Sets the only state, which can be given any long value. The selection can be anything and is ignored.
      setSelectedState in class EnhancedRandom
      selection - ignored; this always sets the same, only state
      value - the exact value to use for the state; all longs are valid
    • setSeed

      public void setSeed(long seed)
      Sets the only state, which can be given any long value; this seed value will not be altered. Equivalent to setSelectedState(int, long) with any selection and seed passed as the value.
      Specified by:
      setSeed in class EnhancedRandom
      seed - the exact value to use for the state; all longs are valid
    • getState

      public long getState()
      Gets the current state; it's already public, but I guess this could still be useful. The state can be any long.
      the current state, as a long
    • setState

      public void setState(long state)
      Sets each state variable to the given state. This implementation simply sets the one state variable to state.
      setState in class EnhancedRandom
      state - the long value to use for the state variable
    • nextLong

      public long nextLong()
      Description copied from class: EnhancedRandom
      Returns the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed long value from this random number generator's sequence. The general contract of nextLong is that one long value is pseudorandomly generated and returned.
      The only methods that need to be implemented by this interface are this and EnhancedRandom.copy(), though other methods can be implemented as appropriate for generators that, for instance, natively produce ints rather than longs.
      Specified by:
      nextLong in interface RandomGenerator
      Specified by:
      nextLong in class EnhancedRandom
      the next pseudorandom, uniformly distributed long value from this random number generator's sequence
    • skip

      public long skip(long advance)
      Skips the state forward or backwards by the given advance, then returns the result of nextLong() at the same point in the sequence. If advance is 1, this is equivalent to nextLong(). If advance is 0, this returns the same long as the previous call to the generator (if it called nextLong()), and doesn't change the state. If advance is -1, this moves the state backwards and produces the long before the last one generated by nextLong(). More positive numbers move the state further ahead, and more negative numbers move the state further behind; all of these take constant time.
      skip in class EnhancedRandom
      advance - how many steps to advance the state before generating a long
      a random long by the same algorithm as nextLong(), using the appropriately-advanced state
    • previousLong

      public long previousLong()
      Description copied from class: EnhancedRandom
      Optional; moves the state to its previous value and returns the previous long that would have been produced by EnhancedRandom.nextLong(). This can be equivalent to calling EnhancedRandom.skip(long) with -1L, but not always; many generators can't efficiently skip long distances, but can step back by one value.
      Generators that natively generate int results typically produce long values by generating an int for the high 32 bits and an int for the low 32 bits. When producing the previous long, the order the high and low bits are generated, such as by EnhancedRandom.previousInt(), should be reversed. Generators that natively produce long values usually don't need to implement EnhancedRandom.previousInt(), but those that produce int usually should implement it, and may optionally call previousInt() twice in this method.
      If you know how to implement the reverse of a particular random number generator, it is recommended you do so here, rather than rely on skip(). This isn't always easy, but should always be possible for any decent PRNG (some historical PRNGs, such as the Middle-Square PRNG, cannot be reversed at all). If a generator cannot be reversed because multiple initial states can transition to the same subsequent state, it is known to have statistical problems that are not necessarily present in a generator that matches one initial state to one subsequent state.
      The public implementation calls EnhancedRandom.skip(long) with -1L, and if skip() has not been implemented differently, then it will throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
      previousLong in class EnhancedRandom
      the previous number this would have produced with EnhancedRandom.nextLong()
    • next

      public int next(int bits)
      Description copied from class: EnhancedRandom
      Generates the next pseudorandom number with a specific maximum size in bits (not a max number). If you want to get a random number in a range, you should usually use EnhancedRandom.nextInt(int) instead. For some specific cases, this method is more efficient and less biased than EnhancedRandom.nextInt(int). For bits values between 1 and 30, this should be similar in effect to nextInt(1 << bits); though it won't typically produce the same values, they will have the correct range. If bits is 31, this can return any non-negative int; note that nextInt(1 << 31) won't behave this way because 1 << 31 is negative. If bits is 32 (or 0), this can return any int.

      The general contract of next is that it returns an int value and if the argument bits is between 1 and 32 (inclusive), then that many low-order bits of the returned value will be (approximately) independently chosen bit values, each of which is (approximately) equally likely to be 0 or 1.

      Note that you can give this values for bits that are outside its expected range of 1 to 32, but the value used, as long as bits is positive, will effectively be bits % 32. As stated before, a value of 0 for bits is the same as a value of 32.

      next in class EnhancedRandom
      bits - the amount of random bits to request, from 1 to 32
      the next pseudorandom value from this random number generator's sequence
    • copy

      public DistinctRandom copy()
      Description copied from class: EnhancedRandom
      Creates a new EnhancedRandom with identical states to this one, so if the same EnhancedRandom methods are called on this object and its copy (in the same order), the same outputs will be produced. This is not guaranteed to copy the inherited state of any parent class, so if you call methods that are only implemented by a superclass (like Random) and not this one, the results may differ.
      Specified by:
      copy in class EnhancedRandom
      a deep copy of this EnhancedRandom.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object