Class Bresenham3DRaycastCollisionDetector<P extends com.github.tommyettinger.crux.Point3<P>>

Type Parameters:
P - typically PointI3 or PointF3
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Bresenham3DRaycastCollisionDetector<P extends com.github.tommyettinger.crux.Point3<P>> extends Object implements RaycastCollisionDetector<P>
A raycast collision detector used for path smoothing in 3D, with cells considered passable if a predicate returns true. This treats diagonally-connected passable cells as connected. It uses Bresenham's line algorithm. See Wikipedia for more info.
This is typically used by passing in a lambda that either looks up a value in a 3D array (and should check the bounds of the array against the indices given), or sets a PointI3 with the int parameters and looks that up in a map or set. The former might look like: (x, y, z) -> x >= 0 && x < booleanWorld.length && y >= 0 && y < booleanWorld[x].length && z >= 0 && z < booleanWorld[x][y].length && booleanWorld[x][y][z] .
  • Constructor Summary

    Creates a Bresenham3DRaycastCollisionDetector that uses the given predicate to determine if an x,y,z cell is passable.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    collides(com.github.tommyettinger.crux.PointPair<P> ray)
    Draws a line using Bresenham's line algorithm to see if all cells in the line are passable; if any cell was not passable, then this returns true (meaning there is a collision).
    static <P extends com.github.tommyettinger.crux.Point3<P>>
    collides(com.github.tommyettinger.crux.PointPair<P> ray, IntIntIntPredicate predicate)
    Draws a line using Bresenham's line algorithm to see if all cells in the line are passable; if any cell was not passable, then this returns true (meaning there is a collision).

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface com.github.tommyettinger.gand.smoothing.RaycastCollisionDetector

  • Constructor Details

    • Bresenham3DRaycastCollisionDetector

      public Bresenham3DRaycastCollisionDetector(IntIntIntPredicate predicate)
      Creates a Bresenham3DRaycastCollisionDetector that uses the given predicate to determine if an x,y,z cell is passable.
      predicate is typically a lambda that either looks up a value in a 3D array (and should check the bounds of the array against the indices given), or sets a PointI2 with the int parameters and looks that up in a map or set. The former might look like: (x, y, z) -> x >= 0 && x < booleanWorld.length && y >= 0 && y < booleanWorld[x].length && z >= 0 && z < booleanWorld[x][y].length && booleanWorld[x][y][z] .
      predicate - should bounds-check an x,y,z point and return true if it is considered passable
  • Method Details

    • collides

      public boolean collides(com.github.tommyettinger.crux.PointPair<P> ray)
      Draws a line using Bresenham's line algorithm to see if all cells in the line are passable; if any cell was not passable, then this returns true (meaning there is a collision). If the point type this uses allows floating-point values for coordinates, then this rounds coordinates to their nearest integers.
      See Wikipedia for more info.
      Specified by:
      collides in interface RaycastCollisionDetector<P extends com.github.tommyettinger.crux.Point3<P>>
      ray - the ray to cast; will not be modified
      true if any cell in the line is blocked, as per the given predicate
    • collides

      public static <P extends com.github.tommyettinger.crux.Point3<P>> boolean collides(com.github.tommyettinger.crux.PointPair<P> ray, IntIntIntPredicate predicate)
      Draws a line using Bresenham's line algorithm to see if all cells in the line are passable; if any cell was not passable, then this returns true (meaning there is a collision). If the point type this uses allows floating-point values for coordinates, then this rounds coordinates to their nearest integers.
      See Wikipedia for more info.
      ray - the ray to cast; will not be modified
      predicate - should bounds-check an x,y,z point and return true if it is considered passable
      true if any cell in the line is blocked, as per the given predicate